Chapter 20

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John POV

"I-I wanna break up" Alex says. I feel my face drop and my heart skip s beat.

"W-What?" I stutter, he doesn't make eye contact with me. "Why?" I ask.

"I'm sorry. I just- I don't love you anymore" he replies.

"Did Jefferson put you up to this?" I ask.

"No... but when we went out earlier He
Told me him and Madison broke up and he liked me. I-I liked him too so we're d-dating now" he explains.

"B-But you hate him. He hates you. You- you said you didn't care about him at all" I cry.

"Well things changed. I'm sorry." He looks ashamed.

"Come on Alex please tell me this is just a joke or a dare or something. You said you loved me" I plead.

"We're just in high school John, we don't even know what love is. You can't expect to stay with your high school sweetheart for ever" he says.

"I-I" I don't know what to say. I love him. I thought he loved me.

"I'm sorry, I'll see you at school I guess" he walks away. I watch him get into a car and I can faintly see Jefferson in the drivers seat.

I walk back to my car and close the door. I rest my head on the head rest and just cry for about 10 minutes. I know we weren't dating for that long but I still thought I meant something to him.

I eventually recompose myself and drive home. When I get there I walk in and see my dad's home. "John where have been?" He asks.

"I'm sorry" I say quietly.

"I swear if you were at his place or on a date or something i-" I cut him off there

"I was out because he just fucking broke  up with me! Are you happy now? I may be depressed and shit now but at least I don't have a boyfriend which is all you fuckin care about!" I yell and run up to my room.

Alex POV

I walks away from John and sigh. I hate having to do this to him. I walk back over to the car and get in "how did he react?" Jefferson asks.

"Umm I dunno I Guess he was a little confused but mostly just upset" I reply. The weird thing about all this is Jefferson isn't Being a dick. Like obviously the fact that he made me break up with John is horrible and that he's making me date him is just as bad but other than that he's being like.... a good boyfriend? No that's not the right word. Like he gets that I still love John but Is being supportive? Idk but I thought he would just be mad all the time... does this mean he actually likes and didn't just want a boyfriend?

"Do you want me to just drop you home?" He asks.

"Yeah I guess. George and Martha are away though" I reply. Why the fuck am I telling him this?

"I can stay over if you want?" He smiles.

"S-sure" it's not that I want him to, I'm just afraid of what he would say or do if I didn't say yeah.

When we arrive there we both get out of his car and walk inside. "I gotta do some homework, but you can like watch something or something u ya want" I say, grabbing my laptop and sitting at my desk.

"Why are you being nice to me?" He asks suspiciously.

"Cuz that's not gonna get me anywhere. Why aren't you being a toxic dick to me?" I reply.

"Cuz that would make you hate me even more and that's not what I'm trying to do here"

"So what exactly are you trying to do here?

"I want you to like me. James broke up with me, So I was hella depressed then I realised I like you and i Generally want u to like me as well" he explains.

"So you decided to blackmail me into breaking up with my boyfriend and dating you?" I ask.

"I know I'm a dick for that alright, but I at least hope over time you'll forgive me and actually like me" he replies.

"Okay though I never thought of you as a romantic person" he just shrugs. I turn back to continue working when my phone starts buzzing.

John🔥✨: Alex? I'm so sorry if I did something to hurt you

John🔥✨: I already miss you. Please, I'm so sorry.

John🔥✨: Alex I love you please come back.

John🔥✨: you mean the world to me, I can't loose you, please,I love you so much

John🔥✨: can you at least tell me what I did? Is it because I'm ugly? Or fat? Or annoying? Is it my dad? I'm so sorry please answer me.

I try to ignore them but they keep coming. I look at them without opening my phone and I just feel so bad. "You can still be friends which Him you know" Jefferson says, not looking over. I sigh and decide to text back.

Alex: I'm sorry John, it's not your fault. I just can't be with you anymore.

John🔥✨: why? I don't understand!

Alex: I told you, I don't love you anymore and I'm dating Jefferson now

John🔥✨: you hated him earlier today, what happened?

Alex: I'm sorry John. I'll still hang out with you guys a lot of the time, we can still be friends but you gotta understand I'm with Jefferson and that's not gonna change.

He just leaves me on read so I put my phone down. I hate this. I hate having to do this to him, putting him through all this pain. I hate that I still love him and I hate that he can't know that.

A couple hours later I finish my homework so I sit on the bed, not too close to Jefferson though, even so he puts his arm around me and moves closers but I can't just push away from him, he still has ways of hurting John if I wasn't a good enough boyfriend. I start scrolling through Instagram when I come across the photo John posted when we went ice skating. He tagged me but I still hadn't seen it for some reason. I smiles but then quickly scroll past it so Jefferson doesn't see.

After a couple minutes Someone knocks on the door and George walks in. "Hey Alex- oh hi Thomas.... I didn't know you were here" he says awkwardly.

"Umm I can go now if you want" Jefferson replies, sitting up.

"No no it's fine, uh you can stay over if you want, it's already 11" George replies.

"Thank you, sir." Ugh you can basically taste the awkwardness in the room and I don't want Jefferson to stay over! Why the fuck does George think it's normal for me to be sitting close to someone other than John at 11 with his arm around me?!

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