Chapter 26

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Trigger warning: mentions of suicide

Alex POV

*about 2 hours later*

John still hasn't woken up yet but me and the others including Thomas have stayed with him. It's about 7 now and Peggy's sitting at the edge of John's bed, Hercs of one side with Laf and attempting to do his hair and me and Thomas are on the other side, I lay with my head in his lap, while he plays with my hair, none of us are talking.

After another 10 minutes or so we see John start to move, I sit up and grab his hand. His eyes slow open and we all look at him. "Hi...?" He says confused.

"John! Omg I was so worried" I hug him.

"Don't do that! We through you was gonna die!" Peggy exclaims but then smiles and hugs him as well.

"Mom ami finally your awake!"

"Y'all what's the big deal you acting like You haven't seem me in years or I'm dead or somethin" he laughs.

We all look at each other and nod. I hand him the note. "Peggy found this when She found you" I explain.

He reads through it and sighs. "I don't see the problem, there's like nothing depressing here" he says.

"John, come on you know what we're talking about. I mean we're in the hospital with you for a reason, you can tell us" I reply.

He doesn't say anything "does anyone wanna get some food or somethin?" He asks eventually.

"I guess I'll go"Herc sighs

"No you guys stay here with him, I can go" Thomas gets up and walks out.

We all talk for while until he comes back with a bunch of food from maccas. "How much do we owe you?" Herc asks.

"Nah its all good I got it. Umm Alex Can I talk to you for a sec?" He asks. I nod and follow him out.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I- I'm breaking up with you" he says sadly.

"W-What?" I ask, shocked.

"Look it's not that I want to it's just I know you still love John even if you won't admit it, anyone can tell how much you love each other so I'd rather you be happy with him then unhappy and with me" he explains.

"I'm not unhappy With you Thomas you know that, but you're right, I do still love him and I think I always will so thank you. I did- well I do actually like you." I reply.

"I know," he smiles weakly. "You should go tell him."

"Thank you Thomas," I kiss him on the cheek then turn around to walk away.

"Alex?" He ask. I turn back around. "Don't fuck it up" I smile and nod.

I walk into the room, I need Peggy Laf and Herc to leave so I can talk to John. I try to subtly gesture for them to leave but they just look confused for a moment, the then they get it. "Oh um I didn't get a drink, I'm gonna go grab one from the vending machine" Peggy says getting.

"Yeah so are me and Laf" Herc adds. They all walk out and I sit on The side off the bed.

"So what'd you need to talk about?" He asks.

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"Well Peggy could have just got all their drinks and you weren't subtle at all in trying to tell them to leave" he says.

"Ha fair enough. Umm yeah anyways so I did wanna talk to you. Thomas broke up with me" I tell him.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. Why?" He asks.

"He said he knew I still loved you and he would rather me be happy with you than unhappy with him" I explain.

"Oh, Well that's cool and all but you may as well just go get back together with him cuz we can't get back together" he says.

"Why?" I frown.

"Come on, I don't expect you to get back together with me especially not now. I mean I know you like him and I don't want you to think you have to deal with my bullshit" he replies.

"Yeah but I mean I was dating him for over a month obviously i developed feelings but I love you so much more, and I don't care what I have to deal with, I wanna help you and you would never be a burden" I plead.

"I-I dunno. Do you really wanna date me especially with Well you know" he nods to his wrist.

"Yes. I want to be with you and everything about you. As for this, I just want to help, I don't want you to get hurt"

"but I'm not worth that" This breaks my heart. He's so sweet he's shouldn't have to feel like this.

"John your worth everything. Please, let me be your boyfriend" I beg.

"O-okay" he says finally. I smile and lean down to kiss him. Just after I pull away the door opens and I assume they were watching or listening or something.

"Yay y'all finally back together!" Peggy exclaims.

"Sorry but i'm not gonna lie I still have no idea why you were dating Jefferson I mean yeah he's nicer now but still" Herc comments.

"Well I mean he said if I didn't he would make John's dad even more of a dick again, tell the school Peggy's Preggo with lafs kid and you abuse your multiple girlfriends outside of school so it was like date him or ruin everyone's life so I said yeah" I explain.

"Omg really?" Peggy asks.

"Dude that's messed up" Herc says.

"You didn't tell me that was why!" John exclaim.

"Well I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, Laf knew though" I reply.

"Damn. Well thanks" Peggy says.

As she does, a nurse walks in "Hey, Mr. Laurens good to see you're awake. Unfortunately visiting hours are over which means I'm going to have to ask you all to leave, one of you may stay the night if you wish, you're welcome back here tomorrow at 10am tomorrow" she smiles and walks out.

"Alright, we'll see you tomorrow after school John" Peggy says, getting up.

"Mkay, cya" he replies. Laf Herc and Peggy leave but I stay. "You don't have to stay if you don't wanna" he says.

"No I want to. Besides I'm not gonna leave you here alone" I reply.

"Thanks." He smiles, he grabs my hand and pulls my only the bed so I'm lying next to him.

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