Chapter 4

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Alex POV

Once I pack up all my things Rachel drives me to my new house I guess. When we get there I get out of the car and grab my stuff, it's a pretty big house, bigger than Johns...

I follow Rachel to the door and she knocks. When it opens I see Mr. Washington at the door. Wait is he my new foster parent? Ugh that's gonna make school and home awkward!

"Hey Rachel, Alex please come in" he says and we do.

"So Alex I understand George is one of your school teachers?" Rachel asks and I nod. "Ok well I've been over this with him and don't worry he won't mix the two because everyone hear understands how hard this must already be for you" She says sweetly.

"So is that all you stuff Alex?" Mr. Washington asks pointing to my 2 suitcases, I nod. I don't have heaps of stuff but to be fair they are large suitcases.

"Ok well I'll show you your room if there's nothing else that needs to be done?" He asks Rachel.

"No that's it, ok Alex here's my number you can call me if you need anything and I'll check in on you in a month to make sure your all settled in" she hands me her number and walks out.

"Ok so your rooms up here, do you want me to take your stuff?" He asks.

"Nah I've got it thanks." He leads me upstairs and into a room that's like triple the size of my old one, it has a pretty big bathroom, a walk in wardrobe, a king sized bed, a desk, a set of drawers and a TV.

"Ok so this is your room, I'll let you get settled in." He starts walking out.

"Thanks sir" I say

"You can just call me George here" he smiles and closes the door behind him. I grab my phone to text Laf and Herc

Alex: guys guess what

Lafayette🥖: What?

Alex: my auntie died

Herc🐴: omg I'm so sorry. Are you ok, are your parents handing it ok?

Ah shit I forgot they don't know.

Alex: oh yeah they're alright I guess, um yeah I was just gonna say she died so I might not be at school tomorrow.

Lafayette🥖: ok that's totally fine. I'm so sorry for you loss

Alex: Thanks

I put my phone downs and get up to unpack all my things. When I'm done I look back at my phone and there's a few messages from John.

John🔥✨: Hey are you ok? I'm so sorry

John🔥✨: Alex? Please answer me I'm sorry.

John🔥✨: is there anything I can do to help? Please, I know how hard it must be for you but I wanna help.

Alex: Can you just leave me alone please?

John🔥✨: Who are you staying with? Are you ok?

Alex: I'm staying with Washington and it's bad enough I have to so please If you wanna help just leave me alone!

John POV

I read the message he sends and sigh. Not good enough. I need to find out where Washington lives.

I call my dad and he answers almost right away "hey dad, do you by any chance know where George Washington lives?" I ask him.

"Uh yeah I do why?" He replies.

"Well you know my friend Alex? Well he's an orphan and he was staying with his aunties but she died today so now he's Mr. and Mrs. Washington's foster kid and I wanted to make sure he was ok." I answer.

I hear his voice change into a almost threatening tone "You seem really close to him for a guy you met this week"

"Uh... y-yeah I just feel bad for him cuz he has no family a-and his girlfriend Eliza left the school and lives far away so he's kinda depressed right now" I lie. He didn't have to say it but I know he was thinking I was in love with him or gay or something.

"His girlfriend?" He asks


"Ok. So you want me to drive you?" He asks and I let out a sigh of relief.

"No it's ok could you just give me the address?" He does and I hang up. I text  herc.

John🔥✨: hey Herc you can drive now right?

Hercules🐴: yeah why?

John🔥✨: well I got the address of where Alex is staying would you be able to drive me there?

Hercules🐴: sure I'll be at your house soon, also Laf's with me so I guess he's coming too.

Hercules🐴: oui- Lafayette

John🔥✨thanks so much

I wait outside my house for them and when they arrive I get in the back. "So what's your plan Mon ami?" Laf asks

"Well im gonna knock on the door, ask him if he's aright then tell him I like him" I explain.

"Cool, also isn't Alex's house not far from yours?" Herc asks

"Well it was but when his aunt died he was moved obviously and he's now staying with wash- Wait y'all don't know" I cute myself off.

"Don't know what? Why isn't he just staying with his parents?" Laf asks

"Uh ok you have to swear not to tell anyone and not tell Alex I told you or even bring it up at all?" They just nod "well pretty much all I know is his mum died and his dad left and his aunt was his last family but its most likely a very sensitive topic so you can't bring it up. Also now he's Mr. Washington's foster kid." I say

"Damn. That's so sad" Herc says.

"Yeah I cant imagine being in that situation" Laf adds.

"Ok we're here do you want me to wait or?" Herc asks

"Uh would you mind waiting like 10 minutes? If I'm not out by then just leave and I'll either stay over or call my dad" I get out of the car and walk to the front door.

I knock and Washington opens the door "Hi John." He says

"Hey Sir, I was wondering If I could speak to Alex?" I ask.

"Yeah sure" he leads me inside and upstairs then knocks on a door, "Alex johns here to talk to you"

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