Chaper 27

56 3 1

John POV

"John?" Alex asks. "W-why'd you do it?"

"Do what?"

"You know what? The note, why we're in here."  he replies .

"It's nothing really. I was just overreacting about everything" I say.

"No you weren't. Please tell me" He pleads.

I sigh, "I dunno it just- everything feels like it's going to hell, Laf might me moving, you were with Jefferson, my dad started- I mean yeah you and Laf and school-" he cuts me off. Shit I wasn't supposed to mention my dad.

"John What did you dad start doing?" He asks.

"Nothing really, he just started getting drunk on weekends again which often mean my siblings ares safe" I explain.

"What does he do?"

"Not much, a lot of yelling he throughs stuff around the room, sometimes throws a couple of punch them but I can usually get him to stay away from my siblings. I mean he's drunk and stupid so it's not hard" I explain.

"I'm so sorry, I should have been there for you" He cries.

"It's ok, it's not your fault." I assure him.

"But it's not ok! He can't treat you like that!" He exclaims.

"Alex look at me" he looks up at me "You can't worry about this ok? I'll be fine. I've dealt with with him my whole life. Promise me you'll forget about it ok?"

"No I can't! Just because you've dealt with him before doesn't mean you should, I can't forget about it I want to help you" he begs.

"Alex, really I appreciate how much you care but there's nothing you can do" I reply.

"I'm so sorry, I love you"

"I love you too" I gently kiss him. He sinks into it and wraps his arm around my neck, he slips his tongue in my mouth making me moan softly. I move my arm up to his waist, for getting there's an Cord connected to my hand. He moves over slightly which pulls the cord making me wince.

"Are you ok?" He asks, worried.

"Yeah, Sorry" I say ashamed.

"No, don't be sorry it's not your fault." He assures me, I smile weakly.

"This is so stupid. I'm fine and there keeping me here for no reason" I whine.

"It's not for no reason, you know that. You'll be able to leave soon but now you gotta relax" he says softly.

"Still it sucks." He just nods.

*the next day*

I wake and look around. Ugh the hospital. I see Alex next to me on his phone, "Hey you're awake" he smiles.

"Unfortunately" I reply. I look at the time and it's like 9 "wait shouldn't you be at school?" I ask.

"Yeah but I'm staying here with you"

"You don't have to do that, if you leave now you could probably get there in time first second period"

"It's ok, I'm getting people to take notes for me" I he replies.

"Are you sure?" He nods happily. "Thanks." we sit for a bit, both on our phones until someone walks in, I expect it to be a doctor but unfortunately it's my dad.

"John What the hell! I had to come out of work when I got the call what happened?" He asks angrily but there's a tiny bit of worry in his voice.

"Oh, uhh nothing I-" I look at Alex, how do I tell him?

"Mr. Laurens allow me to explain" Alex says.

"Alex don't" I say.

"Yeah this is none of your business and I told you I never wanted to see you again" Dad replies.

"Well first of all this is a hospital anyone can be here, and second don't you dare get mad at John for this! You don't know what happened, you don't know why hell you don't even know him! You can't treat him the way you do, one day someone gonna tell the police and your gonna go to jail for the rest of your life and no one will miss you, all your kids hate you and I know for damn sure they all got they're personality's from there mum. Get the fuck out of this room cuz you have no business being here" Alex yells, I don't say anything, neither does my dad for a minute.

"I want to know what happened to my son" He says sternly. I stop Alex from talking again.

"I slit my wrist" I explain,

"When do you get out of here?" He asks emotionless.

"This afternoon" I reply.

"I'll talk to you when you get back home" He turns and walks out.

"Sorry" Alex mumbles.

"No don't be, it's ok. It was sweet actually." I smile.

*a week later*
Peggy POV

I walk into school and find all the others sitting around a table. I take a deep breath and start walking over to them, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna come out. "Hey guys, can I tell you something?" I ask nervously.

"Hey, yeah what's up?" Herc asks.

"Well Umm, ah fuck I don't know how to say this but basically I'm gay, well lesbian but you get it" I explain.

"Omg Peggy that's great!" Laugh exclaims, I smiles. I mean I wasn't expecting them to react badly obviously. I don't really know how I was expecting them to react.

"Do you like anyone?" Alex asks.

"Well I mean, y'all know Maria? I've kinda like her for awhile but she's with James and most likely straight" I reply.

"Ok Well I think all of us can agree buy just her style she's not straight." John comments.

"And we all know she doesn't wanna be with James, he's super toxic. Alex you could probably get Jefferson to beat him up right? Y'all are still friends" Herc suggests.

"Yeah I could talk to him, now if you want" Alex says.

"I dunno it might not work and if he stays with her then he'll just get super mad and he could hurt her" I reply.

"Yeah but that's why we'll talk to Jefferson. They're whole group listens to him" John says.

"Ok I guess as long as She doesn't get hurt"

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