Chapter 8

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Trigger warning- violence, homophobia slurs
*After School that day*
Lafayette POV

"Laf!" John tells walking over to me.

"Hey mon ami, is everything good with you and Alex?" I ask.

"Not really but I got detention so I need you to make sure Alex doesn't get badly hurt or anything" he says.

"Yeah sure"

"Thanks, ok I gotta go before I get in more trouble" he runs off.

"Hey" Herc says walking up to me followed by Alex.

"Hey, uh are you sure you wanna go today?" I asks.

"Ugh did John tell you to stop me from going? Cuz I'm gonna go I don't care what he says." He scoffs.

"Come on Alex he just doesn't want you to get hurt" I plead.

He sighs and nods "I know but he can't tell me what to do, I'm going this Afternoon"

"Hey Alex? You ready to go?" Washington asks, walking out of his office.

"Uh actually we're going it sign John this afternoon... Herc'll drop me home later" He lies.

"John's in detention" he says.

"Oh right umm then I'll guess we'll be going without him" he says nervously.

"Alright..... don't be out too late" he walks away.

"Alex should you really be lying to him about this?" Herc asks.

"Can y'all just stop trying to tell me what to do? I'm going now I'm supposed to be there in 5 minutes y'all can come or you can go I don't care either way" he walks away. I sigh and we follow him.

The car park's empty except all our cars. Soon Jefferson arrives with his crew. James Madison, Charles Lee, Samuel Seabury, 'King' George, James Reynolds and Maria Reynolds but I'm pretty sure Maria's only there cuz of James.

"You actually showed up? I'm impressed" Alex remarks.

"I could say the same to you, I thought you'd be too busy crying off to Washington about something." He smirks and the other laugh.

"At least I don't spend 3 hours on my hair each morning just so it looks extra shitty when I come to school"

"Hey I can see you the horse fucker and his boyfriend but where your little pet fag?" At this Alex runs forward and punches him in the jaw. "Oh you a little protective of him? I mean I know people like their pets but your is just so ugly"

Alex punished him again and then kicks him in the ball so he fall on the floor. He starts kicking his side until Jefferson grabs is leg and trips him, his friends cheers "fuck you we all know you and Madison are dating, so are Samuel and George" Alex says.

This makes him hella mad. He pushes Alex to the ground and gets over him and starts repetitively pushing him in the face, because of the gravel on the ground and the pressure he's being pushed down by his heads bleeding and he looks like he gonna pass out "Omg Jefferson stop!" I yell.

"Thomas your gonna kill him!" Maria cries by James just hits her so she shuts up.

"Imma go get John!" I run into the school and burst into Mr.Adams office.

"Lafayette what-"

"John you gotta come quick Jefferson's gonna kill Alex's I say and John gets up, ditching his stuff and we both run down to the car parts.

"Omg!" He exclaims. He runs over and pushes Jefferson off. "What the fuck is your problem?! You could kill him!" John yells.

"And What exactly are you gonna do to stop me?" he growls standing over John. John punches him in the stomach which makes him bend over in pain then he knees him in the face.

"Walk away right now I won't hurt you anymore." John whispers.

"You'll regret that" Jefferson says and by the looks of it painfully walks over to his friends, they get in t Jefferson's car and James drives them away.

John runs over to Alex and crouches next to Alex. "Omg his heads bleeding call a fucking ambulance!" He yells.

"Oh shit yeah" Herc quickly gets out his phone and calls 911. John lifts up Alex's head and rests in on his lap.

"John I'm fine" Alex mumbles.

"No your not! The back of your head is bleeding a lot and it's likely you have a broken nose or something like that" John says frustrated but also worried at the same time.

After about 15 minutes an ambulance arrives, Alex passed out about 5 minutes ago despite Us doing everything we could to stop it.

"How did this happen?" One of the paramedics asks John.

"Umm I missed most off it but he and this guy in our class organised a fight this afternoon and I would have been there but I had detention and so all I know is when Lafayette came and got me The other guy was kneeling over him repeatedly punching his face while he was on the floor so I got him off" He explains.

"Ok well technically this is school grounds so is there a teacher here we can call about this?" She asks.

"Umm I guess George Washington, y'all would probably have to call him anyways, he's also Alex's foster dad" I say. She nods.

"Ok well you guys can meet us at the hospital, unfortunately only family can come in the ambulance with him" she explains. We nod them wait for them to leave before getting into Herc's car.

When we arrive at the hospital we find Washington and Martha there. "John! What happened" Martha asks, she looks like she's been crying.

"He got in a fight with Jefferson. I don't really know what happened cuz I wasn't there but when Laf got me Jefferson was kneeling over him punching him." John say.

"What?! Why were they fighting!" Washington asks.

"Sir, I get your mad I feel like getting mad at him right now would kinda just make things worse"I say

"Omg this is all my fault! If I hadn't got detention if I had just stopped talking and that wouldn't have happened if I just didn't get mad at him! Omg this is my fault" I look at John and he looks terrified.

"It's not Your fault ok? He's gonna be fine so don't worry" Herc assures him.

"Are you all here for Alexander Hamilton?" A nurse asks. We all nod. "You can go see him now he's in room 356"

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