Chapter 11

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Trigger warning- Abuse

John POV

"Hey do you wanna order dinner or somethin? I can pay" I ask Alex.

"Sure, what do ya want?" He asks, getting Menulog up on his phone.

"I dunno do ya just wanna get pizza?" I suggest he nods and orders dominos.

"Wait what time do you have to be home?" He asks before he submits the order.

"Like 9, I texted Martha she's gonna get the others dinner and put them to bed and stuff" He nods and orders it.

"I'm bored now, do you have anymore work?" He whines.

"I feel like I'm just taking advantage of you if you just do all my work.... but no" I say and he just sighs. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I suggest.

"Sure" he leans over my lap to try to get the remote from the bedside table but fails "Ugh" he groans and still trying to reach it.

"You could actually get up" I laugh.

"That's so much effort tho" he replies. I pick up the remote and hold it over my head "hey that's not fair" he pouts.

"You're cute" I tease.

"You're mean" he sits up and tries to grab the remote from my hand, while he does I quickly Peck him on the lips and he goes bright red. "John!"

"What?" I laugh.

"George and Martha are downstairs" he whines. I just shrug, he pouts then while I'm distracted he grabs the remote. "Ha" he laughs and sits back down next to me. "Ok what are we watching?"

Before I can answer Washington knocks on the door then comes in "Oh John I didn't know you were here" he says clearly surprised.

"Oh uh yeah sorry Alex just said I could come over" I say awkwardly.

"That's fine, are you staying over cuz if your are I'll just text your dada and"

"NO!" I cut him off, he just looks confused. "I Mean no thanks.... I'm not staying over"

"Does your dad know you're here?" He asks. I sigh and shake my head. "Ok well I'll just let him know you're here, let me know if y'all need anything" he walks out before I can say anything.

"Shit" I jump up and start gathering all my stuff. "I'm so sorry Alex I gotta go, if I'm home before he sees the message then I can probably just come up with an explanation." I say frantically looking for my phone.

"Here" Alex stands up an hands me my phone from the bed. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you to come over" he says guiltily.

"No it's not your fault. I'll be fine but I gotta go now, I'll text you later" I kiss him and run out of his room.

I find a cab and get in. When I do I sigh and tell them my Address. "Busy day?" The cab driver asks when he sees I'm out of breaths and probably look very stressed.

"What? Oh no, I just gotta get home. My boyfriends dad texted my dad saying I was at his place but my dad doesn't know I'm gay and he told me not to hang around him unless it was school stuff also he thinks I'm sick so he's gonna be pissed if I'm not home when he is" I explain. "Sorry I didn't mean to rant" I say realising i probably over shared.

"No it's fine, if it helps I'll go as fast as legally possible" he smiles.

"Thanks" When I arrive at my place I thank the driver again and get our. I run inside the house and see My siblings eating dinner. "Is dad home yet?" I ask and they just shake there heads. I sigh in relief and go to put my stuff away.

"I thought you were gonna be out longer" Martha comments.

"I was but the Washington said he was gonna tell dad I was there so I just gotta come up with and excuse to tell dad, he thinks I'm sick cuz I got him to pick me up early." I explain.

"Jackie Martha didn't let us have dinosaur nuggets" James complain. He's like 4 and Mary's 3 and they're both super fussy.

"Sorry James we don't have any" I reply.

"We would if anyone bothered to buy food in the house" Henry, Who's 11 mumbles.

"Ok I get your upset but dad doesn't have time to buy more food everyday and honestly I don't think he gives a shit what we eat and I would buy us food more but I have school and pressure from dad so I'm sorry!" I exclaims.

"Weren't you with your boyfriend today" he adds.

"Yes but that was because he was in hospital because I wasn't with him until he first place, he doesn't have blood relatives But his foster parents are his teacher so that hard for him so obviously I went over and you better not tell dad I was there or that he's my boyfriend or even friend"

"If you order us pizza I won't tell" he smiles.

"Fine order whatever you want" I get up and walk into my room.

About and hour later dad gets home and comes into my room. "Hey dad" I say nervously.

"Can you please tell me why the fuck I got a message from George Washington saying you were at his house with Alex?" He asks angrily.

"Oh um his phone broke, and he told us today in class he was getting it fixed this afternoon so it must have been a message from a couple days ago when I went over there" I lie.

"Really? Cuz I was texting him just this morning about some stuff for work" he says. Shit. What am I supposed to say. "So your lying to me?" He starts walking towards me.

"N-no sir" I stutter. He suddenly pushes me in the face and I stumble back. "I-I'm Sorry" I say trying to recompose myself.

"I told you to stop hanging around him unless it was work related and either way I thought you were sick" he says.

"I-I was I j-just-" he cuts me off by punching me in the ribs making me fall over.

"Just What?" Theres a knock on the door and he turns around to see Alex. Fuck.

"Umm sorry to interrupt but uh John left his Laptop at my place earlier, he just came by to help me with some school work I missed while I was in the hospital. Oh and that reminds me Mr. Laurens, George asked if he could speak to you, he's just outside" He says.

"sure, I'll be right back John" he walks out and I sigh.

"Omg John are you okay?!" Alex runs over to me.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say standing up.

"No you're not, omg I'm so sorry!" He exclaims.

"Alex, really I'm fine. It's not your fault I knew this would happen and I've dealt with it before" I sit in my bed.

"What?! How often does this happen? Why didn't you tell me?" He looks like he's about to cry at this point.

"It only happens when he's mad or drunk, and I just didn't want you to be worried. Anyways you should go back down before he comes back up" I say.

"No! I can't leave you alone with him" he protests.

"Please, it'll only get me in more trouble if you stay." I beg.

"Okay, but I'll text you, and I'll see you tomorrow" I nod, he hugs me then gets up and walks out.

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