Chapter 15

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*later that day*
Alex POV

As I'm walking out o my next class I see Eliza so I take my chance and run over to her "Eliza! I need to talk to you about tonight" I say.

"Hey Alex. I'm so excited for tonight I-"

"No hold on I already feel bad about this" she looks confused. "So the other night when I called you and said I loved you... well that was a dare. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to lead you on but you never gave me a change to explain" I explain.

"Oh....Ok it's fine I get it." She quickly runs off without saying anything else. Peggy walks over.

"Ugh why'd you have to tell her? Now she's gonna be all dramatic and Angelica's gonna be happy and my dad's gonna Blame me" she whines.

"What the hell was I supposed to do?" I ask.

"Cheat ok her with John so she breaks up with you" She shrugs.

"Alright I'm going to class" I walk off.

After school me and John walk out of class and to put lockers "is Washington driving us home or are we catching a bus?" He ask.

"He's got a staff meeting so we're taking the bus. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom real quick and I'll catch up with you" he nods and I walk into the bathroom and lock myself in a stall.

I hear 2 people come in after me, as far as I can tell it sounds like they're making out. "Thomas, there could still be people here" I hear Madison says. I try not to gasp. I new they were dating.

"No there's not almost everyone has gone home and no one comes in this bathroom anyways" Jefferson replies. I quickly get out my phone and start recording.

"I still don't get why we can't come out, it's not like we're the only gay couple in the school" Madison says.

"If we did come out people would tease us and then eventually our parents would find out and I know you're parents are supportive a and shit by mine aren't" Jefferson explains.

"You should at least stop bullying Hamilton and Laurens. I mean you nearly killed him"

"Well Hamilton's just a bitch and You know I only bully Laurens cuz he had the guts to come out when he was in year 7"

"Thomas come on! Just stop making there lives a living hell and I'll find a way to get my parents out of my house all weekend" James begs.

"Ughhhh that's not fair! Fine I'll try to stop. Now I gotta go. I'll see you later babe" Jefferson walks out into then a minute later Madison does as well.

I wait a minutes then run out and fine John. "John! Guess what!" I says excitedly.

"What?" He asks.

"Jefferson and Madison are dating!" I exclaim.

"Well yeah I know they seem hella gay to me" he replies. We get on the bus

"No I don't mean we just think they are, I have proof. They came into the bathroom and started talking, I recorded it and now we can use it against them!" I says.

"Alex we can't out them, if we did we would be just as bad as them" John says.

"At least listen to it. I'm not saying we should actually out them but we can tell them we know and they won't be as annoying"

"So you wanna blackmail them?" He asks.

"No I'm just saying if the situation was reversed they would do it to us"

"Alex you don't know their situation, there could be a good reason they don't wanna come out." He protests. We get off the bus and walk to the house.

"Well yeah, Jefferson's parents are homophobic but-" he cuts me off.

"What? So you don't care what happens to him? You would be fine with being the reason he got kicked out or abused or something?" He asks.

"No that's not what I'm saying-"

"So when you said no one deserves to be treated how my dad treated me you didn't mean it you just meant you didn't want it for me?" He asks clearly hurt.

"No, of course not, I'm just saying Jefferson's different. He's bullied you since year 7! Don't you wanna get back at him?" I ask.

"Not like this! I hate him but I still don't think you should put him, especially to his dad!" He runs into our room and slams the door.

"John!" I sigh.

"Is everything ok?" Martha asks.

"It's fine" I walk upstairs and knock ok his door.

"Alex leave me alone!" He Yells from the room.

"John! Come on you're over reacting" I shout back.

He opens he door suddenly, it looks like he's been crying. "I'm over reacting? I'm sorry I don't wish what happened with my dad on anyone else cuz that shit hurt and I don't care how bad or annoying he is no one deserves that to happen to them!" He yells.

"How do you know when the school find out his dad will as well?" I ask.

"His dad is part of the school board I'm pretty sure he would find out!" He replies.

"I only wanted to do this cuz he shouldn't get away with bullying you" I say, calming down a bit.

"I don't care about that. Especially not now I know he's only doing it cuz he's scared. I don't care if you call him out on other stuff but not this." He sighs.

"Ok. I won't show anyone but can I at least tell him a know?" I ask.

"Fine" I smile. "But you gotta show me first, I wanna here what they said" he smiles.

We walk into our room and sit on the bed while I pull up the recording. "Omg I love that, even tho it's kinda sad" John laughs when it finished.

I smile. I love his laugh and his smiles. Oh shit I love him. We've only been dating for like 3 weeks there's no way he feels the same. Ugh fucking emotions are the worst.

"You good?" He asks, I realised I've been zoned out for like 2 minutes.

"What- oh yeah" I lean up and Kiss him then go back to my phone and start scrolling thru TikTok.

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