Chapter 30

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John POV

Around 6 there's a knock on the door, I run done to open it and smile when I see Alex, I love him so much, just everything about him is perfect.

"Hey" he smiles, I kiss him and lead him inside.

"Hey. Come on I wanna show you something"  I run up to my room, dragging him with me. "Ok so when I got back from the hospital my dad didn't want a suicidal son so-"

"Wait you never told me how he reacted, did he hurt you?" Alex cuts me off.

"No he didn't don't worry. But he did buy me a new turtle!" I exclaim. Alex just laughs. "Ok come one he's over here and you get to name it!"

"Seriously John? You gonna let me name the most important thing in you life?" He asks.

"No of course not, your mum named you. Anyways what do you wanna name the SECOND most important thing in my life?" I reply.

He giggles a little "ummm I think you should name it baguette"

"Wow ok Lafayette" I laugh.

"Well you don't have to use it, I dunno I just thought of something random" He pouts.

"I love it" I smile and kiss his head.

We sit on my bed and put on a movie. He snuggles up to my chest under the blanket and we both kinda just sit on our phones with the movie on in the background.

About half an hour later Alex gets a text and he screams "OMG!"

"What?" I ask.

"Jazzy's in America!" He yells and sits up.

"Who?" I ask confused.

"Jasmine, She was my best friend in Nevis and I haven't seen her since I left" he explains.

"That's great! Are you gonna meet up with her?"

"I dunno she just texted me saying she was in New York!" He smiles. He starts texting her back. A couple minutes later he looks back up "ok, we're gonna meet up tomorrow after school"

"Where?" I ask.

"Just the mall, do you wanna come?" He asks.

"No, no it's all good you guys should catch up" I reply.

"No come on, I want you to meet her. " He pleads.

"Nah I don't wanna third wheel"I protest.

"I swear you won't be third wheeling." He begs. He puts his arms around my waist.

"Eh, I probably have homework I-" he cuts me of by leaning up and kissing me, "Alex-" he kisses me again, "alright, alright fine" I sigh and he smiles.

"Yay" he kisses me again and starts to get off me.

"Oh no, you don't get to do that then walk away" I grab his waist and pull him back over then kiss him.

"John" he giggles, "it's like 6:30 don't you want dinner?" He asks and I just shake my head.

"Nah, you look like a snack though" I reply and He goes bright red.

"John! Don't say that" he tries to hide his face, I just laugh.

"Alright I'm sorry, let's go get somethin to eat" I get up and grab his hand. "Ok what do you want"

"I don't mind" he shrugs.

*the next day- after school*

Me and Alex walk into the Starbucks we're supposed to be meeting Jasmine, I look around. I dunno why, I have no clue but she looks like but then Alex runs over to one of the booths.

"Alex omg it's been so long!" A girl squeals.

"Jazzy! It's so good to see you!" He hugs her.

"You too, who's this?" She asks.

"Uh John, I'm Alex's Boyfriend" I smiles.

"Boyfriend? Wow" she says surprised, Alex kinda just looks down ashamed.

"Wh-Why is it so surprising" I ask, looking at Alex concerned.

"Uh no reason, anyways what have you been up to?" He replies.

"Not much, my dad got transferred here for his job so now he me and my mum are living here." She explains "what about you"

"Not much, ya know I moved here about a year ago, then tab about 5 or 6 months ago I moved to the high school. Yeah that's pretty much it" Alex replies.

"Oh yeah I'm so sorry I heard about your cousin," she says sympathetically. Alex looks down.

"It's all good, I'm mostly over all of it now. Anyways do we wanna get coffee?" He smiles.

"Yeah definitely" she giggles. "Um I gotta get go to he bathroom, Lexi could you order it for me? Just an ice latte?" She asks.

"Yeah sure, John you want anything?" He ask, I just shake my head, he walks to the counter.

"Alright here's the deal" Jasmine says, turning to me once Alex is out of war range. "Me and Alex dated for 2 years before he had to leave. He only broke up with me cuz he didn't want a long distance relationship, he never stopped loving me and now that I'm living in New York we're gonna get back together"

"What makes you think he still loves you?" I spit back.

"Didn't you see how he looked ashamed when you called yourself his boyfriend?" She smiles.

I glare at her then walk over to Alex, "hey babe, I'm not feeling well I'm gonna go home" I say quietly.

"Are you sure? We've been here like 10 minutes" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I might not be able to come to school tomorrow" I reply.

"Are you ok? Do want me to come home with you?" He looks worried.

"I'm fine, I just wanna go home, I'll text you later"

"Alright, I love you" he kisses me, I nod and walk out to my car.

Is Jasmine right? Does he still love her? I mean he did seem awkward when I said we were dating and the nicknames. Why wouldn't he tell me they went out?

Man fuck this, I can't let him do this to me. I don't wanna feel like shit over this. I don't wanna be in a relationship where I don't know if they're keeping something from me.

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