Chapter 36

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John POV
*about an hour earlier*

I walk into Kings College and get all the stuff I need from reception. I see I'm sharing a room with Lafayette which is good. I walk up there and open the door. "John?!" He exclaims.

"Hey" I smile.

"What are you doing here?" He ask.

"I'm your new roommate"

"But I thought you went to Yale?" He asks confused.

"I was but then my dad called me telling me I got into this place but there was an issue with the shipping so I didn't find out until like last week. My dad wasn't gonna let me drop out of Yale so I spray painted stuff in the principles office and made it look like I was drunk and they're expelled me so I got to come here" I explain.

"Omg that's great! Well basically this is you're, this is your desk and this is your cupboard and we share the kitchen and the couch and the tv and all that" he replies.

"Thanks. Oh and do you know who Alex's roommate is?" I ask.

"Yeah Herc"

"Do you know where he is?"

"Umm I think he's a work" he replies.

"Ok cool, I'm gonna go talk to him, I'll be back later" I grab my phone and wallet and walk out.
When I get to the target where he works I see him at the counter looking really bored so I walk up to him. "Hey Herc"

"John hey! I thought you were at Yale?" He asks confused.

"I was but long story shot I got myself expelled and now I'm here. Anyways Laf told me your Alex's roommate right?" I explain.

"Yeah why?"

"Could I borrow the key to your room? I wanna surprise him before he gets back from work" I reply.

"Aww, Yeah sure" he grabs the key from his pocket and gives it to me.

"Thanks" I walk out and get bit in my car. I start driving back to campus. When I arrive I find Alex's room and unlock the door. He said he was working today I assume it was this afternoon. When I open the door I see Alex and Jefferson, both shirtless and Jefferson basically eating his neck "Alex?!" I exclaim.

They quickly separate, Jefferson looks surprised and Alex just looks terrified. "J-John. It's not what it looks like I swear" Alex stutters.

"Really cuz it looks like you're fucking cheating on me!" I shout.

"John he-" Jefferson starts but I cut him of.

"No you stay out of this!" I yell at him. I honestly don't know if I'm upset or mad. I sigh "man, fuck y'all do whatever you want" I walk out and slam the door behind me.

I walk back into mine and Laf's room. "What happened?" He asks.

"We was fucking cheating on me." I reply

"What? With who?" He asks shocked.

"Jefferson!" I exclaim. "I should've just stayed at Yale!" I bury my head in my pillow.

"I'm so sorry mom ami" he says, trying to comfort me. There's a knock on the door so he gets up to open it. "Alex? What do you want?" He asks.

"Please just let me talk to John" Alex asks.

"Fuck off!" I yell.

"I don't really think he's in the mood to talk" Laf replies.

"Please, I just wanna explain what happened" he bags.

"Fine" Laf sighs. He walks out and Alex walks in.

"John?" He asks walking over. I just flip him off and grab my phone. "John please let me explain, it's not what you think."

"I walked in on you making out with Jefferson what is there to explain?!" I yell.

"I know but just- I thought you were done with me. You hardly ever called or texted me and even when you did the same guy would come and distract you. I- I thought you were just dating him and too lazy to break up with me." He says walking over and sitting next to me.

"I told you I would never cheat on you! That should have been enough. I told you I had work to do and yeah Anthony would drag me to party's but he's fucking straight! I should be allowed platonic friends" I reply.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing, Thomas just came down to talk and I told him about you and he asked if there anything he could do to help and I don't know I just- I don't know why I did it but I'm so sorry" he explain.

"I got myself expelled from one of the best colleges in the country and dealt the my dad getting pissed about it just so I could come here and be with you and then I walk into your room and find you making out with your ex, do you have any idea how that feels?!" I ask on the verge of tears.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what else to say. It was a mistake, I know there's no excuse and I know I hurt you but I love you more than anything John you have to believe me" he cries.

"But this isn't the first time! If it had been someone else and I knew there was nothing between you it would have been different, but him?! You knew I was already uncomfortable around him after you broke up and then you go and do this"

"John I swear I don't like him, we're just friends, barely even that! It was a mistake and I'm so sorry, please, you know I love you and only you. No one else matters to me" he begs.

I sigh and look down. "Just- just stay here for minute" I get up and walk out then into his room where Jefferson is still there.

"John, I-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Shut up. I want to be very clear about this. I swear to whoever the hell's important to you that if you touch Alex one more time I will make your life hell, you've already ruined so much including our relationship twice 2 so you need to get over yourself and stay away from him" I yell at him.

"Okay, I just want him to be happy and if that's with you then I'll leave you both alone. But don't break up with him over this. It was my fault I kissed him and he was sad so that wasn't fair, don't blame him" He replies and walks out.

I wait a minute then go back to my room where Alex is still sitting on my bed. "Come here" I say gently. He looks confused but stands up and walks over to me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you feel like I was cheating on you and I should have called and texted you more so I shouldn't get mad at you"

"Omg John I'm so sorry!" Exclaims and hugs me. "I love you so much, you're everything to me" he steps back a bit.

"I love you too" I pull him closer and kiss him.

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