Chapter 19

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John POV

I get out my phone and text Alex.

John🔥✨: Alex!

Alex: John! Omg are you ok? What happened? What did he say/do?

John🔥✨: Yeah I'm fine, good actually... I think. I'm still trying to process what happened

Alex: wait what? Tell me what happened.

John🔥✨: so I got in the care and first he got mad at me and was saying shit about us not working together in class and sending me to conversion camp and I got mad at him and made a point about how we're the same as him and my mum and I guess the thing about my mum got thru to him cuz he's gonna let me keep seeing you.


John🔥✨: IKR! Although you can't come over to my place, I'm not allowed to talk about u to him or my siblings and I'm only allowed at your place if I'm home by 9 and if I stay the night then it has to be a good reason.

Alex: ok but still that's amazing that he's not ya know....

John🔥✨: yeah, I'm literally so happy. Ok my siblings are coming up, I'll see you tomorrow.

Alex: Ok, cya.

"JACKIE!" James yells running into my room and jumping onto my bed and hugging him, followed by the others.

"Hey jamie!" I laugh.

"What did dad do?" Henry asks.

"We he's actually letting me keep dating Alex but I'm not allowed to talk to you guys about to" I explain.

"So he didn't hurt you?" Martha asks. I shake my head "good" they all hug me including Mary  and James although they're kinda just giggling, probably not really knowing what's happening.

*the next day at school*

I walk into school and look around until I see Laf, Peggy, Herc and Alex. I start walking over to them and when I do Alex smiles and jumps up to hug me.

"Hey" I laugh.

"Y'all seen extra happy." Herc comments.

"Well I'm living with my dad again but he's now okayish with me dating Alex as long as I never talk about it and he never comes over" I explain.

"Holy shit that's awesome!" Peggy exclaims.

"HAMILTON!" We hear Jefferson yell. He looks more pissed then I've ever seen him.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"Nothing I swear I don't know what this is about" he replies.

He storms over to us. "Meet me at Starbucks at 4 this afternoon, alone." He demands.

"And what if I just don't come" Alex replies. He whispers something in his ear that I can't hear and his face changes, he looks scared "Fine" he replies. Jefferson nods and walks away.

"What did he say?" I ask. He doesn't answer. "Alex?" Ask.

"Hmm? Oh nothing" he replies.

"Alex are you ok?" Lad asks.

"Yeah I'm fine" he smiles "we should go to class" he says and starts walking off. I look at the others and they just shrug. I sigh and follow him.

Alex POV

"HAMILTON" Jefferson yells. He looks hella mad.

"What did you do?" John asks.

"Nothing, I swear I don't know what this is about" I reply.

Jefferson Storms over. "Meet me at Starbucks at 4 this afternoon, alone." He demands.

"And whys if I just don't come?" I ask.

He steps closer and whispers in my ear "if you care about your friends including Laurens In the slightest I would suggest showing up. You know what I could do to them if I had to"

"Fine" I reply. He walks away.

"What did he say?" John asks. I don't reply. This can't be good, why the hell does he wanna meet at Starbucks of all places, if he was gonna beat me up why not somewhere less public, and why is it so important I go alone? "Alex?"

"Hmmm? Oh nothing" I reply.

"Alex are you ok?" Laf asks.

"Yeah I'm fine" I smile "we should go to class" I walk away. Let's just hope Jefferson isn't trying to fuck up my life.

*that afternoon- at Starbucks*

I walk into Starbucks and look around. I find Jefferson sitting at a table waiting for me to I go sit across from him. "Oh good you came" he says, he kinda seems happy but also a little threatening.

"What's this about? If You wanted a fight we wouldn't be in public so we are we here?" I ask.

"I don't want to beat you up this time. I want to talk" he replies

"Okay.... what about?" I ask suspiciously. I still don't trust him, something seems off, usually he would at least have Madison with him but no, he's alone and we're in a completely neutral place.

"James and I broke up yesterday" he says.

"Oh.. umm I'm sorry?" Why the hell is he telling me this? It's not like we're friends.

"Yeah yeah whatever I don't really care but it does mean I need a new boyfriend" he explains

"What you want me to set you up or something?" I ask

"Something like that" he smirks

*later that day, around 6*
John POV

A serve out dinner for my siblings then grab some for myself and walk up to my room. I still haven't heard from Alex about what happened with Jefferson which is weird.

While I'm doing some homework I get a text, I see it's from Alex and smile.

Alex: Hey. I need to talk to you, any chance we could meet up at the park near your place in like 20 minutes?

John🔥✨: yeah sure, is everything ok?

Alex: yeah everything's fine I just need to talk to you.

John🔥✨: Okay, I'll see ya soon. Love you❤️

He leaves me on read which is odd, he never doesn't that. He usually at least likes the message if he's busy. I try to not focus on it and instead just get up and put on different clothes cuz I ain't going out in sweatpants and no shirt.

I tell Martha to look after the others while I'm gone and walk out. I took my drivers test a couple of days ago and since I passed dad brought me a car. He may still kinda hate me but he still wants his kids to look rich and spoiled so he looks good.

When I get to the park I get out of my car and see Alex sitting on the bench. "Hey!" I smile and sit next to him.

"Hey." He replies, but he doesn't seem happy. "Umm John I really need to talk to you"

"What about?" I ask concerned.

"I-I wanna break up"

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