Chapter 23

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John POV

After school Alex follows me out to my car and we get in. I start driving back to my place in silence.

When we get there we talk inside and Martha, Henry, Mary and James run up to us and hug Alex. "Did you guys get back together?" Martha asks, I glare at her from behind him.

"Umm no, I'm just here cause we have to do an assignment together" Alex explains.

"Hey we should probably finish it so you can go see Jefferson" I say.

"Is that the guy that you said was a lying, toxic bitch and you hope he dies" Henry asks. Alex looks at me.

"I stand by that statement" I start walking up to my room and Alex follows. "We just have like 4 slides left then I can take you home or Jefferson can pick you up or something"  I say while opening up my laptop.

"John?" Alex asks.

"Hmm?" I reply while still looking at my laptop

"Just- please look at me for a Sec" he closes my laptop so I finally look at him. "Look I'm sorry, I know I hurt you and I know you hate Jefferson but you're still my best friend, that's not gonna change, I want you to be happy and I want things to go back to how they were, I know we're not dating anymore and it's not the same but I don't want you to feel like we're not friends anymore" he begs.

"How do you expect me to be comfortable around you when your dating the person that's made my life hell for years?  He's nearly killed you and you've told me so many times you hate him and I don't understand how that changes in like 2 hours. Not to mention the fact that you broke my heart. You can ask me to be your best friend and watch you go through a relationship while every time I see you together I want to cry because I still love you." I reply.

"I'm sorry. You don't know how sorry I am. I didn't want to break up with you but right now it's all way to complicated and I can't explain it even though I want to"  he says.

"Why can't you explain? Whats he doing to you? What does he have against you?" I ask, now ok the verge of tears.

"He's not doing anything, I miss you even though it's only been a day." He replies. Well I mean he misses me that's one thing. Would it make things better or worse if  I kissed him? I'm gonna go for it anyways. I put my hand on his waist I leans forward to kiss him.

He freezes but then kisses me back. He puts his hand on the side of my neck And rubs his thumb against my cheek as I roll on top of him. I press my lips against his firmly and he slips his tongue into my mouth. I move my hand up his shirts move to try take it off but he stops me.

"John- Wait" I says breathlessly.

"What-" he gently puts his thumb over my lips to stop me from talking.

"I'm sorry, you don't deserve this." Tears start running down his face. "I still love you, Thomas made me break up with you and start dating him but now he's being really nice and I don't want to like him but I do even tho I still love you"

Holy shit I new Jefferson has something to do with it. "Shh, you don't have to be sorry this isn't your fault" I whisper to him.

"Lafayette told me I should follow my feelings for him until he breaks up with me. I was going to and I thought i could Because somehow I do like him but I can't cuz I love you more than anything but If I break up with him you'll get hurt and I'll kill my self before I let that happen" he cries.

"Lafayette's right. I don't know what he said to you but it if he's not treating you badly then it's best to stay with him until he breaks up with you. I'm sorry but I don't want him to get mad and hurt you" I reply.

"But what about you, you're right about everything. I want to be with you and I want you to be happy"

"Don't worry about me. You still love me and that's enough. Come on we should finish this before you have to go" he nods and sits up.

*Jefferson's picking up Alex*

There's a knock on the door so we both go downstairs to answer it. I open the door and see Jefferson standing there. "Hey Alex you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yeah I just gotta grab my stuff" he runs upstairs.

"Look Jefferson. Alex likes you I get that but I know there's something more to it, I don't know what it is but I swear if you hurt him in any way you will regret it for the rest of your life." I threaten.

"I'm not gonna hurt him, I wouldn't do that" he replies.

Alex walks back down before I can reply. "I'll see ya tomorrow John," he hugs me so I hug him back.

"Tell me if he hurts you in anyway ok?" I whisper in his ear. He nods and lets go. They walk out and I close the door.

"Jackie why do you hate him? He seems nice" James comments, I only just realised he watched all that.

"You wouldn't get it Jamie" I smile and walk back up to my room.

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