Chapter 12

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John POV

Soon Dad comes back up. "Is it true you were only there to help Alex catch up on school work?" He asks.

"Yes" I nod.

"Fine, next time you will tell me when you go over to help him with work" he says and walks out.

I sigh and start getting ready for tomorrow. I put my laptop and phone in charge and put all my books in my bag then have a shower and get into bed to text Alex.

John🔥✨: that I forgot to say thanks for helping with my dad and stuff.

Alex: No problem. Is everything ok now? Did he hurt you anymore?

John🔥✨: yeah everything's fine and not he didn't hurt me anymore. But could you do me a favour and not tell anyone including Washington and Laf and Herc and Peggy and stuff?

Alex: Ok... but you'll tell me if it happens again right?

John🔥✨: Yeah of course

Alex: good. I gotta go now Washington's calling me so I'll talk to you tomorrow.

John🔥✨: ok goodnight

Alex POV

I put my phone down and walk downstairs. George is sitting at the table so I sit in front him. "Alex, I haven't had a chance to talk to you about this yet but about your fight with Jefferson yesterday..." he starts.

"Oh, it was nothing to worry about" I assure him.

"Alex he could have killed you I think that's something to worry about. We've talk about this before, literally yesterday the day this happened, that you can't just pick a fight with people." He says seriously.

"Ok well I hurt him a fair bit first but also he's the one that organised it. You can't expect me to just sit around and let him bully John and I. Are people always telling students to stand up for themselves or something" I reply.

"Even if that's true, violence is never then answer-"

"But it's always an option" I smile.

"Alex I'm not kidding. If John Adams came down with John you Jefferson and everyone there would be at Least in detention for a term and you and Jefferson you'll probably be suspended! At this point I'm not asking you. You have to stop getting into fight cuz it would get you a lot more hurt and in a lot more trouble" He sighs.

"No. I don't have to do anything you say. You not my dad and you never will be so I don't care if you send me to foster care or some shit cuz of this. I don't have to listen to you" I stand up and stomp upstairs.

I run into my room and slam the door, locking it behind me. Ugh why the fuck am I mad? The one good parental figure I had in my life and I just blew it. What am I talking about he was gonna ditch me anyways. I hear a knock on the door "Alex open the door" Washington says.

"Nope, go away" I get my phone and go to text John but then change my mind, he's dealing with enough shit a home and he's probably asleep now anyways. I decide to just have a shower and go to bed.

*the next day*

I get up and get ready for school then walk downstairs. "Alex do you want me to drive you to school?" George asks.

"No, I'll take the bus." I reply, he sighs but then nods and walks out the doors.

"Oh no are you to still in an argument? He explained what happened last night and I know you must think he's trying to be controlling but we're just looking out for you" Martha says.

"Yeah cuz everyone loves their teacher looking out for them and getting them in Trouble at home for shit that happened at school" I mumble.

"Sorry what did you say I missed it?" Martha asks.

"Oh nothing, actually I think thats the bus now so I'll see ya later" I walk out of the house and get on the bus.

When I get to school I Walk up to the others. "Hey mon ami, you look like shit is everything ok?" Laf asks.

"I got in a fight with Washington last night then I was up all night cuz ya know anxiety and shit and now Martha's mad at me so I'm doing great." I explain.

"Damn, what happened?" Peggy asks.

"He was lecturing me about everything that happened with Jefferson and I got mad and said he wasn't my dad and he couldn't tell me what to do and the ran to my room" I explain.

"Yikes. I'm sure everything'll be fine. Just talk to him this afternoon." Herc suggests. I just nod. We talk for a bit more until the bell rings.

*that afternoon*

When George gets home he comes up to my room "Alex?" He knocks.

"Yeah?" I reply. He walks in and it's on my bed.

"I'm sorry about last night, I know you don't want me bringing up school stuff at home and I should have respected that" he says.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have overreacted. You were right about Jefferson and I was just pissed" I reply.

"Alright, I gotta go do some work so I'll see you at dinner" he gets up and walks away.

*a week later- at school in the morning*

"Hey you guys Where's John" I ask and they all just shrug. I sigh and starts walking to class.

About halfway though the lesson John runs in. "Sorry I'm late sir, I had to walk" He says and starts walking to the back.

"You live like 30 minutes away by car though that's like-"

"-almost an hour to walk yeah that's why I'm late" He sits down next to me and Washington just goes back to teaching.

"Why'd you have to walk?" I asks.

"I missed the bus cuz I was trying to get Mary and James ready so dad could try them to preschool but Martha and Henry caught the bus and dad didn't wanna drive me." He explains. I just nod and look back to the bored.

About 5 minutes before the end of the lesson Washington hands out assignment. "Alright all he information is in the handout if you loose it let me know, you must work with a partner, it's due in 2 weeks and if you have any other questions." He explains.

"Ugh why do we get so many assignments" John whines.

"If you want I can do the work and you can just present it" I suggest. I dunno why he thinks it's weird that I enjoy work.

"No! Then I'd feel bad, besides I don't even mind the work we just get so many at the same time" I just nod. "Anyways do ya wanna come over this afternoon and start working on it?"

"But didn't your dad say we can't hang out?"

"Well yeah but he's ok with it as long as it's school related stuff and I tell him." He says.

"Ok then, if your sure" he nods and gets out his phone to text his dad.

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