Chapter 22

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John POV

Alex drags Laf away so Its just me Peggy and and Herc. "What's up with the hoodie?" Herc asks.

"He broke up with me yesterday, now he's dating Jefferson" I explain. Last night I kinda just cried for like 3 hours so I'm better now I guess.

"WHAT?! WHY?" Peggy exclaims.

"I dunno he just said he doesn't love me anymore" I reply.

"Well that's one thing but why would he date Jefferson, we all know he hates him" Herc says.

"He said things changed" I say.

"Yo Laurens!" we hear Jefferson yell, he walks over to us.

"Haven't you done enough?" Peggy asks.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks.

"It means fuck off, you clearly had something to do with Alex breaking up with John and there's no way Alex would willingly date you" Herc spits.

"Keep you're fuckin voice down. I just wanted to speak to Laurens. alone" he says. They look at me asking if they should go so I just nod.

"What do you want" I ask.

"I want to apologise. Your Alex's best friend and I don't want you to hate me so I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you." he says.

"I will always hate you. I don't care what you do or say. I don't care how much Alex likes you. You've bullied me since 7th grade, you've beat up Alex multiple times and your the reason he broke up with me, I don't know how but I know he didn't just break up with me for no reason" I reply.

"I know but I still sorry, and just so you know I wouldn't hurt Alex, I know what I've done but I didn't mean to hurt him that much" I just roll my eyes.

"Oh Jefferson, Umm Alex wanted to talk to you in the bathroom" Lafayette says walk up to us. Just after he says this the bell rings for first class.

Alex POV

I hear the bell ring but I don't move. I don't know if he'll come but I'll wait anyways. Laf  was right, if I just embrace my feeling for Jefferson then it'll be over sooner but until then I'll just be his boyfriend.

After a couple minutes when I'm about to leave the door opens and Jefferson walks in. "Hey. Is this important cuz you know I can't be seen around you like this, as much as I want to" he asks.

"Umm yeah, I-I just wanted to tell you I talked to Lafayette and told him everything, he not gonna tell anyone but he helped me make a decision" I explain.

"What's decision is that?" He asks.

"To be with you. I mean actually be with you. I-I was worried cuz I still loved John and I was starting to get feeling for you and I didn't know what to do but I've decided I won't ignore them. I like you, and it'll still take time to get over John but I'm happy to be your boyfriend" I say. I mean yeah I'm not being completely honest cuz I still love John and I still wanna be with him but I do also actually like him so that counts I guess, though I still feel bad about it.

"Really?! You're serious, you don't hate me?" He asks.

"I mean I slept with you last night what do you think?" I reply

"Thank you." He smiles. "I swear you won't regret making this decision" he looks genuinely really happy which is good.

"We should go to class. You can go first cuz we both have History" I say.

"Why can't we go together?" He asks

"I thought you didn't want anyone to know we were even friends"

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry, it's only cuz my dad. I don't know what would happen if he found out" he apologises.

"It's all good I get it" I smile. He quickly kisses me then walks out. I sigh. This is still just so confusing. I really like Jefferson oh shit imma have to start calling him Thomas. Well either way I really like him but I still love John and I don't wanna hurt him but I also don't mind dating Thomas.

After a couple minutes I get up and walk into class. "Hamilton, why are you late?" George asks. That's weird he never calls me Hamilton.

"Sorry sir I was Uhh-" shit I forgot to think of an excuse.

"he was grabbing one of the textbooks from my locker, sorry I asked him to get it for me on his way cuz I forgot" John cuts in.

"Uh huh. Alright take a seat next to John" he directs so I do.

"Thanks" I smile at him.

"Next time your late cuz your busy making out in the bathrooms make sure you think of an excuse cuz I'm not gonna cover for you every time" he replies, leaning back in his chair.

"What no that's not what was happening I swear. I just had to tell him something and obviously he can't be seen with me to went into the bathroom." I explains.

"Whatever." He picks up and pen and starts drawing in his arm. I watch as he draws a detailed turtle on his wrist.

"Hamilton did you hear that?" George asks.

"Sorry what?" I look up, he. Thomas and like half the class are looking at me.

"You and Jefferson are gonna re-enact the cabinet battle debates between Miranda and Diggs, tomorrow. Then you and John still need to present your PowerPoint form the last assignment" he explains.

"Oh yeah, right. Sorry" I reply. He goes back to teaching and I start taking notes.

After class I start packing up my stuff when John stops me. "We need to finish the powerpoint, do you wanna come over and finish it?" He asks.

"Yeah sure " I reply. He walks off to his next class and I walk in the direction of mine when Thomas comes over.

"You can come over tonight to makes sure we have the debate prepared for tomorrow" he says.

"Um I'm going over to John's After school to finish the powerpoint" I say.

"Yeah I thought so that's why I said tonight, you can just sleepover" he obviously whispers the last bit.

"But your dad?" I Whisper back.

"He's got a meeting out of town so he wouldn't be back for about 2 days" he explains

"Ok" he walks away quickly.

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