Chapter 37

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A/N hey so this is gon be the last chapter but I hope it's good and y'all enjoyed this story

John POV
*2 weeks later*

Me and Herc swapped rooms so now I'm living with Alex and he's living with Laf. The work's been pretty chill but I think we've already gotten drunk like 8 times which is probably bad considering we're all 19.

"Sup ya lonely bitches" Peggy opens the door and walks in.

"Oh Peggy I need your help!" I exclaim.

"Sure, Where's Alex?" She asks looking around the room.

"He's at work" I reply m. "Anyways I need you to come to the shops with me and help me buy something"

"Ok, what are we buying?"

"An engagement ring" I smile.

"OMFG!" She exclaims "ok ok ok, when are you proposing? Where are you doing it and what are you planning on wearing?" She asks excitedly.

"Uh tomorrow night, I know it's last minute but imma take him out so some dumb fancy restaurant but i don't know what to do after that" I explain.

"Aww ok, so after dinner you should go get dessert like ice cream or something and I don't know like go for a walk or something and like go to one of his favourite places and find a good moment to get on one knee and all that shit" she suggested.

"Omg yes ok after dinner there's this ice cream place he loves cuz his auntie took him there when he first came to America so we gon do it there" I smile.

*the next day*

At around 3 Alex walks in the door after coming back from work. "Alex!" I jump up and run up to him.

"Hey, why are you so excited?" He laughs.

"I'm taking you out tonight" I smile.

"Ok, where?" He asks.

"You have to wait and see, and you gotta be ready by 6:30" I reply.

"Okay" he smiles and puts down his stuff. "Oh what are you doing after classes tomorrow?" He asks.

"Ugh I'm going to meet up with my dad apparently he someone he wants me to do cuz I'm not I'm going to Yale so that'll be fun, why?" I reply.

"Oh George and Martha texted me and asked if we wanted to to catch up with them tomorrow but I can just tell them we're busy" He shrugs.

"No don't do that, my think will only take like half an hour" I say.

"You sure?" He asks, I nod so he shrugs and gets out his phone.

*later that night*

"Alex! You ready to go?" I ask Alex.

"Yep. So can you tell me where we're going?" He asks as we both walk out of our room.

"Nope, you'll just have to wait" he pouts and I smile. We get into my car and I drive us to the restaurant.

When we get there we walk in and I tell them my name cuz I made a reservation. "Johnny this is really fancy and looks expensive and I'm super underdressed" Alex whispers.

"You're ok, it's not that expensive and you look adorable" I reply, taking his hand and kissing it. He smiles a little.

Soon a waiter walks up and asks what we what I order and then look at Alex "Umm I'll just get the side of fries" he says looking at the menu.

"Sorry could you just give us another minute?" I ask the waiter, they nod and walk away "Babe you gotta actually order something"

"I did, it was just the cheapest thing on there and I'm trying to save up" he replies.

"Lexi, I'm paying. Don't worry about the price" I say.

"But then you're wasting a bunch of money"

"I brought you to this restaurant I'm not gotta make you pay so please just get whatever you like" I assure him.

After dinner we get back in the car and I start driving again. When I pull into the car park Alex exclaims "omg I love this place it's-"

"We're your auntie first took you when you came to America" I smile. The good thing about this place it's it's good good ice cream and there's like a really cute beach to walk on.

We walk inside and order them come back out and start walking along the beach. After a bit we've both finished our ice cream so breathing in nervously "Alex, hold up a minute" I stop in front.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Uh ok so I've been think a lot recently and I just really fucking love you, you mean the world to me. I love everything about you and I can't even imagine where I'd be without you, your the angel of my life and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you so-" I pull out the ring from my pocket and get on one knee. He gasps and puts a hand over his mouth "Alexander Hamilton, will you marry me?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes! Omg yes!" He exclaims. I smile and put the ring on his finger. I stand up and kiss him deeply. "Holy shit we're getting married!" He smiles.

"I love you" I kiss him again.

"I love you too" he's just so perfect. I can't imagine my life without him. I'm so lucky to have him in my life, I don't know what I did to deserve him. He just makes me so fucking happy and I can't wait to spend he rest of my life with him, getting married, hopefully having kids and just being together, forever.

Alex POV

"I love you too" I smile. He's amazing. I don't know why he loves me but he does and I love him, more than anything. I've dreamt of this happening since he first said he lived me. I don't know if soulmates are real but I know that he and I were made for each other and nothing can Change that. I love him so much, he's flawless and beautiful and fucking perfect! I'm never letting go of him.

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