Chapter 16

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Alex POV

The next day George drives us to school and even though we arrived early there's still a fair amount of people here.

George walks off to his office, me and John walk into the courtyard where people hang out when we're not in class. "John can I still tell Jefferson and Madison?" I ask when I see them.

"Ok, but I'm coming with you." I nod and we walk over to them.

"Ugh what do ya want" Jefferson scoffs.

"Nothing, but I wanna show you something" I get out my phone and play the recording. They both sit in silence with shocked expressions.

"So What are you gonna do? Blackmail us? Out us to the school? Tell our parents?" He asks.

"None of those. We just want you to know we won't tell anyone." John replies.

"Why? What do you want? There's no way you would do this without something in return" Jefferson asks again suspiciously.

"I swear we don't want anything, my dad kicked me out and all that shit, I don't care how annoying you are I wouldn't do that to someone else." 

"Hamilton?" He asks.

"I'm with him on this, and even if I wanted to he wouldn't let me" I say, he slowly nods.

"Thank you" Madison says. We walk away to see if any of the others are here yet.

*at lunch*

"Alex!" John runs up to me excitedly.

"Hey" I smile.

"Hey. Ok I'm taking you on a date tonight!" He exclaims.

"Ok, where are we going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise." He smiles.

"Awwww come on, how am I supposed to know what to wear?" I whine.

"I'll get Herc to pick you up and he, Laf and Peggy can help you" he says.

"So they all know!"

"Yeah of course"

*that afternoon*
John POV

"Alex, John! Peggy, Lafayette and Hercules are here!" George calls from downstairs.

Me and Alex walk downstairs. "Hey!" Peggy says excitedly.

"Can I know where we're going yet?" Alex asks.

"Nope it's still a surprise" I smiles, he just rolls his eyes.

"Come on we gotta go get you ready. John you can leave now and come pick him up at 6" Laf says takes Alex.

"Bruh you know I can't drive yet right?" I ask.

"Didn't you take your test like 2 weeks ago?" Peggy asks.

"No.... I'm taking it in 2 weeks" I reply.

"Then take a bus or a cab or something" Herc says.

"Alright, I gotta get changed first. Give me a minute" I walk upstairs and Everyone follows. "Y'all just all gonna watch me get changed?" I ask when they follow me into the room.

"Oh yeah sorry" Peggy, Laf and Herc walks out. "Alex you- omg you horny fuck" Laf rolls his eyes.

"What?!" He asks defensively.

"I- never mind" Herc says and they close the door.

I open the closet and try to find something good for tonight, I didn't have time to pack my full wardrobe but I brought quiet a few things.

I end up choosing ripped black jeans and a greed hoodie. "So we're going somewhere cold?" Alex asks.

"I'm still not telling" he just pouts.

"You're So mean" he whines

"Oh well in that case we don't have to go out tonight" I reply.

"Nooooo! I'll wait" I laugh and quickly kiss him then walk out.

*when John's picking up Alex*

I tell the cab driver to wait outside then I get out and walk inside. I walk up to our bedroom and see him sitting on the bed talking with the others. "John! You were supposed to knock on the front door then awkwardly talk with Washington until Alex dramatically walks down the stairs and you watch in aw" Peggy exclaims. Quickly throwing a blanket over Alex

"This isn't prom, a wedding or a first date and I live here" I reply.

"I don't care Peggy's right you need to go downstairs, knock on the door and wait for Alex to come down" Laf demands.

"Y'all know I'm still here right?" Alex asks from under the blanket.

"Alright Fine" I walk back downstairs and outside then knock on the door.

"John?" George says when he opens it. "You know you live here, you don't have to knock"

"I know but Peggy and Laf want me to knock on the door, and awkwardly talk to you while we wait for Alex to dramatically walk down the stairs" I explain and he laughs.

"Wow ok so if this is a date what's y'all prom gonna be like?" I just laugh and shrug "ALEX YOUR DATES HERE" he yells.

After a minutes Alex walks down followed by Laf Herc and Peggy. "You look amazing" I smile.

"Keep it in your pants" Herc comment.

"Y'all wanted this shit in the first place what do you want me to say?! He does look amazing!" I say defensively.

"Sir did you give him the whole 'of you hurt my son' talk yet?" Peggy asks.

"No... am I supposed to?" He asks, they nod and I sigh. He clears his throat "John, I swear if you her Alex in anyway I will hunt you down and kill you... or somethin"

"Okay tell us what your doing first so we can be there" laf asks.

"Why are you so invested in this?" Alex asks.

"Bitch we're part of this relationship too, don't try to exclude us!" Peggy says offended.

"Alright come on babe" I take Alex's hand and we get in the cab.

"Now can you tell me what we're doing and you left me with them for an hour?" He asks.

"I'm sorry" I laugh "but we're getting dinner at maccas cuz somehow you've never had that which I still don't believe but then we're going I've skating in a rink I reserved so there won't be people" I explain.

"I can't ice skate tho" He says.

"I'll help you" he smile.

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