Chapter 17

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John POV

We arrive a Maccas and walk inside. "What do you want?" I ask.

"Where's the menu?" He ask.

"Well most people just know what there is but up there on the screens" I point out. After a minute he decides "I want 10 nuggets."

"Okay," I walk up to the register and order our food. They give me the receipt and we stand over where you collect da food.

"Don't they bring it out to you?" Alex asks.

"Nah. This place is way to cheap, it's kinda their thing tho, same with most take out places. I still can't get over the fact that you've never once got maccas" I say.

"I never really had he time or money, my mum or Aunt or cousin or someone would always just buy 2 minute noodles or cheap frozen stuff" he explains.

Soon our number's called out so we grab our food and sit at one of the tables. "So why did you wanna go out tonight?" He asks.

"I dunno I just felt like it. Why? did you not wanna come?" I ask.

"No, of course I wanted to, I was just wondering" he replies. I nod and sip my coke.

When we finish eating we walk outside and get another cab to the ice skating rink. When we get there I tell the person my name and all that shit and we walk in.

We go get our skates and Alex stands up nervously "you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah. I don't wanna fall" he says.

"You'll be fine, don't worry. I'll catch you and you can stay on the wall as long as you want" I assure him. He nods and we walk into the ice. It's mostly dark except for coloured lights on pointed onto the ice, there's soft music playing in the background.

Alex holds the wall with one hand and my arm with the other. "How are you so good at this?" He asks.

"My mum took me and my siblings here all the time when we were kids" I explain.

"How did she... ?" He asks nervously.

"Drunk driver" I reply.

"I'm sorry." He frowns.

"It's ok. Come on I wanna you to try something" I take his other hand and pull him off the wall.

"What are you doing? John stop!" He cries as he starts loosing his balance and slipping. I grab his waist and hold him up.

"It's ok, I've got you" I say, he holds my shirt tightly. We skate over to the centre of the ice and Spin around. He closes his eyes and holds my arms tighter. I can basically feel him trembling so I stop. "Do you wanna go home?" I ask, a little disappointed he's not enjoying it but i just want him to be happy so I don't mind.

"No... I like it I'm just not used to it." He replies.

I smile a little. "Ok I'm gonna try something by you have to trust me on this ok?" He nods. I let go of his waist and take his hands, sliding away a bit. I then let go and go further back to the wall.

"John What are you doing don't let go! I don't wanna fall" He quickly skates over to me and grabs my arms.

"Alex, you just skated across half the ice without me" I laugh. He looks over his shoulder then looks back at me.

"Oh" he smiles a little. I laugh and kiss him. "I-I love you" he says after a minute.

I look at him in shock for a minute then smile "I love you too" he smiles. "I hate to ruin the moment but when I reserved this place they said we would have to share with another couple but we get 30 minutes alone which means another couple will be coming in like 5 minutes" I say.

"That's ok, it's only 2 other people and I doubt they would try to engage with us" he smiles. I nod. We skate out back into the middle, now he's more confident he's not shaking which is good.

Soon we hear 2 people walk in and their voices sound familiar. Jefferson and Madison. Fuck. "John! Didn't you ask their names?" Alex asks.

"No I didn't cuz I'm not creepy!" I reply.

"Ugh, they're gonna ruin the whole night" he sighs.

"Hey it'll be fine, if we don't talk to them I don't think they'll talk to us. I don't even think they've noticed us yet." I say.

"Wait what the hell are you guys doing here!" Jefferson asks when they step into the ice.

"We could ask you the same question" Alex replies.

"We reserved this place. You guys aren't supposed to me the other 'couple' here" he says.

"Well we were here first so if you have a problem you can leave" Alex spits.

"We don't have a problem" Madison says grabbing Jefferson's hand and pulling him away.

Alex scoffs and turns back to me "why them. I hate them"

"Yeah I know I hate em too but don't let them ruin the whole night" I say.

"But they're just- ughhh they're just so annoying I-" i cut him off by grabbing his waist and kissing him.

"Just ignore them ok? Focus on something else" He just nods and we move over to the other side of he rink.

After about 2 hours we decide to go back home. We return our skates and get a cab. When we arrive home we don't see Martha it George so we walk straight up into our room my

"Thank you" he smiles.

"For what?" I ask.

"A great night" he replies.

"Really? You still enjoyed it was Jefferson and everything?"


"I love you" I say and he smiles. Our door opens and Peggy Laf and Herc all walk in.

"Oh you guys are back, how was is?!" Peggy exclaims.

"Wait his long have you been here?" I ask.

"Since you left, we were just downstairs helping Martha with something. But how was it?" Herc asks.

"Ok... it was great, we went to maccas then and ice skating rink which John reserved unfortunately Jefferson and Madison were there but still- omg y'all don't know yet do you?!" Alex exclaims.

"Know what?" Laf asks.

"So obviously we all already thought Jefferson and Madison were dating but now I have proof! I caught them on the bathrooms talking about to and recorded it" he explains.

"I knew it" Peggy comments.

After a while the others decide to sleep over cuz it's a Friday and shit so they all decide to just wear my clothes including Laf and Herc which is weird cuz Alex is my boyfriend so obviously and Peggy said she'd rather stab her self in the face then sleep with a bra on so she's wearing of my hoodies by Herc and Laf are both taller than me but it's fine.

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