Chapter 7

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Alex POV

I walk in to Washington's office and close the door behind me. He tells me to sit down on the chair in front of his desk so I do.

"do you wanna tell me why you were beating up Jefferson?" He asks.

"Well he threw the first punch but also cuz he's a dick! He's  bullied John literally every day for 3 years! He should be the one getting in trouble!"

"Your not in trouble. I'll talk Thomas later. You can't just punch someone, I don't care if he punched you first." He says.

"Sir with all due respect that's bullshit! He's the most annoying kid in the whole school and he can't get away with bullying John!" I respond.

"Would you have punched him if he was bullying someone other than John? What if he was bullying Charles Lee?" He asks.

"No but that's completely different-"

"How is it different?" He cuts me off.

"Well Charles is straight so Jefferson would never bully him in the first play and Charles deserves it!" I say.

"So doing something bad is okay as long as the person deserves it?" He asks.

"Well no...."

"Look Alex, I'm not gonna get you in trouble or anything, just say you won't do it again and your sorry then I can let you go" he sighs.

"Fine, I'm sorry I won't do it again" I say rolling my eyes.

"Thank you, you can go now" he says.

I get up and walk out of his office. I find John on in phone on a seat. "Alex! Are you ok?" He asks standing up.

"Yeah I'm fine" I reply

"You shouldn't have done that. You could have gotten badly hurt or in a lot of trouble" He says.

"John I said I'm fine! You don't need to take care of me and you can't tell me what to do" I snap and he steps back a little.

"I'm sorry...I only wanted to help" he mumbles.

"Well don't, I'm fine and I don't want or need your help"

"I-I'm gonna go get something from my locker" he starts walking away.

John POV

I walk away from Alex a little upset. I texts Laf and Herc to see when they'll get here.

John🔥✨: Hey when are y'all getting here?

Lafayette🥖: we're like 5 minutes away, why?

John🔥✨: Alex is mad at me

Lafayette🥖: omg y'all literally started dating what like yesterday or today or something why is he mad at you?

John🔥✨: idek I just asked him if he was okay and he snapped

Lafayette🥖: hold on we're almost there, explain when we arrive.

I put my Phone in my pocket and start getting my books out of my locker when Alex comes over. "John I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get mad at you I was just really pissed at Jefferson" he apologises.

"It's fine, I get it" i reply, not looking at him.

"Ok what happened?" Herc asks, he and Laf walk up to us.

Neither of us say anything until Laf speaks up "alright all I know is Alex is Mad at you John but your gonna need to tell us more cuz it doesn't seem like he is"

"John you don't need to go tell them every time we disagree" Alex says annoyed.

"I didn't, I just asked when they were getting here and he asked why" I reply.

"Yo Hamilton!" Jefferson yells walking up to us, clearly mad.

"What do you want Jefferson?" Alex rolls his eyes.

"3:30 this afternoon in the parking lot. No teachers. Unless your too much to a little bitch to show up"

"Uh no, he's not doing that Washington won't let you" I say.

"Washington can't tell me what to do out of school. I'll be there" Alex spits.

Jefferson walks away. I close my locker and start walking to class. Laf follows. "Look mon ami I dunno what I missed but it kinda just seems like your pissed at him about something"

"Well no shit! First he started a fight with Jefferson's and even tho I begged him to stop he didn't and then when he came out of Washington's office I just asked him if he was ok and he just snapped and yelled at me that he was fine and then he goes and arranges another fight with Jefferson!" I explain.

"Don't you think he was just trying to protect you?" He asks.

"Well even if he was it was shitty way to do it, he can't just go around getting in fights with everyone" I exclaim.

"John, I'm on your side here, he shouldn't have agreed to the fight after school but can you really blame him for the first one? I mean I assume Jefferson was being a dick and said the wrong thing and that just made him mad but you can't tell him what he can and can't do. You don't have to agree with it but you should at least respect it" He says.

"Yeah I guess your right" I sigh.

"I've got history first so I'll see you later but talk to him ok?" He walks away to his class.

A couple minutes later the bell rings, a bunch of people in my class walk in and take there seats but I wait for Alex, after a minute he comes over. "Alex I-" He ignores me and walks into class. I follow him in and we take out seats. We have Mr. Adams as a sub for some reason but all I know is he hates us. "Alex, I'm sorry, I know you were just-" I get interrupted by the teacher.

"Mr. Laurens is there something you wanna say?" He asks.

"Oh uh no.. sorry" I reply.

"No go on, if it's important enough that you have to disrupt my class then why don't you tell the whole class"

"Well technically this isn't your class your just filling in for our other teacher." I say.

"Detention, my office after school" He says and turns back to write something on the bored.

"Uh Sir could it be lunch or tomorrow afternoon I really can't do this afternoon" I ask.

"Is it a family emergency?"

"Well not really but-"

"Then this afternoon, 3:15 to 4" I sigh and put my head on the table.

"You didn't need to come anyways" Alex comments.

"Well I don't trust Lafayette to stop you from getting arrested or seriously hurt" He rolls his eyes and goes back to taking notes

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