Chapter 24

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Alex POV

I get in the car with Thomas and he starts driving. "Did you guys finished the assignment?" He asks.

"Yeah..." I reply.

"You ok?"

"Yeah I'm just tired" I reply.

"I can drop you home and write you side of he debate if ya want" he offers.

"Hell no! I ain't letting you win" I reply, he just laughs. We get to his place and I follow him in. "Jeez, I new You was rich but what the fuck!" I exclaim while looking around, I swear this place bigger than John and Washington's place combined.

He laughs "Come on" he grabs my arm and takes me up like fuckin 3 flights of stairs.

"You do this everyday?" I say out of breath when we get to the top.

"How do you think I stay in shape?" He asks. We walk into is room which had a table with 4 chairs around it, a Tv, a couch, king sized bed, huge ass wardrobe and a bathroom. "So are we just basing this off the one about the French Revolution? Also I call Daveed diggs"

"No! Lafayette will kill me if I made an argument against helping France" I reply.

"That's not my fault, that ones the easiest."

"Fine" I sulk and get out my laptop.

*the next day*
Jefferson POV

I wake up to my alarm going off. I look around expecting to see Alex next to me or getting ready but he's not. I see him and my desk with his head on the keyboard of his laptop.

I chuckle and walk over to him. "Alex wake up" I shake him gently but he doesn't wake up. "Babe, you gotta get up" I shake him more.

"Shhh it's sleep now" he groans.

"That makes no sense and we gotta go to school"

"Shit what time is it?" He sits up.

"Like 7" I reply.

"What? Why didn't you get me up earlier?" He exclaimed.

"I woke up like 5 minutes ago" he gets up and changes into jeans and one of my hoodies which is way to big for him but he looks cute.

"Where's my phone?" He asks looking around the room.

"Is it the thing in your hand?" I laugh. He looks down and sighs.

*at school*

"Ok I'll see ya in class" I say and get out of the car. I walk into the school and fine Samuel, George, and Charles sitting around a table.

"Hey Thomas. You still ain't bringing Hamilton here with us are ya?"Charles asks.

"Fuck no! Bruh the whole ass school thinks I hate him so you really think they wouldn't catch on it he started hanging out with us?"I reply.

"Fair enough" Samuel replies. Not gonna lie he's kinda annoying but He's George's boyfriend so we can't kick him unless they break up. James hangs around with Aaron burr and John Jay now.

"Hey where's Maria and James Aren't they usually here by now?" I ask.

"Yeah, apparently Maria was hanging out with Peggy yesterday so now they're fucking in the bathrooms" George explains.

"Should we do something about that? I mean it seams kinda extreme that she's not allowed to talk to anyone else and if she does she has to either sleep with him or her beats her up or something like that" Charles comments.

"Yeah probably but he's always been like that we can't stop him" Samuel replies.

"Uh Thomas you know you wore that hoodie yesterday right?" Charles asks pointing to Alex.

"Oh shit- well I mean it's not like the whole school pays attention to what I wear"

"Hey Thomas" Angelica walks over to us flirtatiously. "I couldn't help notice Alexander was wearing your hoodie,if you don't want him steeling it again I'm happy to wear it instead" she says like it was a good pick up line.

"Why the hell would Hamilton have my hoodie?" I scoff.

"I don't know I just assumed he wanted to annoy you" She replies.

"Well it ain't my fuckin hoodie so goodbye" I say.

"How bout I see you t my place tonight at 8?" She smirks and starts walking away.

"I ain't showing up ya horny bitch" I roll my eyes.

John POV

Alex walks into school and walks up to us. "Hey" he smiles.

"Hey, so even tho you're dating him you still gonna roast Thomas in class today?" Herc asks.

"Obviously. I don't care who it is I ain't about to let someone beat me in an argument" he replies.

"Which cabinet meeting is it based off?" Laf asks.

"Don't hate me but it's the one about helping France and I'm defending Miranda" he explains.

"c'est quoi ce bordel!" Laf yells.

"I didn't want to!" He says defensively.

"Are you at least saying the reason he didn't help em was cuz going there would have reminded him of Anthony Ramos?" He asks.

"No..." Laf just throughs his hands his the air. "Alright calm down it ain't my fault"

*In class*

We walk into class and take out seats, most people are excited cuz most people love watching Alex and Jefferson argue.

"Mkay Jefferson Hamilton, The issue on the table, France is on the verge of war with England and do we provide aid and troops to or French allies or do we stay out of it? Jefferson you have he floor." Washington says. Jefferson and Madison walk up to the front of the classroom as does Alex.

"When we were on death's door, when we were needy We made a promise, we signed a treaty
We needed money and guns and half a chance
Who provided those funds?" Jefferson starts.

"France" Madison comments i don't even know why he's there but he is.

"In return, they didn't ask for land Only a promise that we'd lend a hand And stand with them if they fought against oppressors And revolution is messy but now is the time to stand Stand with our brothers as they fight against tyranny I know that Alexander Hamilton is here and he Would rather not have this debate I'll remind you that he is not Secretary of State He knows nothing of loyalty
Smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty Desperate to rise above his station
Everything he does betrays the ideals of our nation Hey, and if ya don't know, now ya know, Mister President"

"Hamilton, you're response"

"You must be out of your Goddamn mind if you think The President is gonna bring the nation to the brink Of meddling in the middle of a military mess A game of chess, where France is Queen and Kingless We signed a treaty with a King whose head is now in a basket Would you like to take it out and ask it Should we honor our treaty, King Louis' head Uh do whatever you want, I'm super dead" Alex responds, the class cheers.

"yeah ok, Hamilton you won y'all can sit down now" Washington says, clearly in annoyed for some reason.

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