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I bet you got scared at that title huh? No this book will be ongoing for a good while so please read! Enjoy~

In Spain but the S is silent.

All your body knew now was enormous amounts of pain, in every area to be honest.

The perfect way to describe yourself right now was, actually not even a thing in the world yet.

A myth in the dark abyss of your disastrous life, maybe from this little experience you can make your own reality show.

Filled with chaos, destruction, mischievous people, and mixed emotions, that's what perfectly describe you right now.

The person that caused all of this?

Well none other than the most sleep deprived, lazy, crusty, annoying, person that ruined your life, and weird, Shinsou.

Yet still, you felt weird yourself about this entire situation with the actual Shinsou.

At times you felt like you wanted to murder him so bad or just hit him down with a baseball bat.

But then at other times, you felt like you wanted to just have his company for a while.

Heck, you even had a minor dream as you called it about him, it wouldn't be a nightmare unless you were going to count now thinking you would fall off of his motorcycle.

There was just so many things you didn't know about him, and deep down inside of you, you wanted to know and figure it out.

Shinsou on the other side of the coin, he knew almost everything about you at first glance.

Talk about creepy.

In his mind that still needed much amounts of sleep, you were extremely easy to read.

Like a book out in the open in his eyes.

Shinsou knew not everything. Little by little he was getting to keep in touch with you more learning from things he did on the way.

All you knew that he was a flirt just trying to pluck your feathers to make you angry.

That's exactly what Shinsou was going to keep doing.

As a relationship was blooming slow as a snail, and at times escalating as quick as a Jack rabbit.

"Do you always use this motorcycle as a transportation system everywhere?" You asked Shinsou, still leaning and holding him close on the fast ride.

"No not always, I only allow myself when it's a special occasion. For example, with a cute princess such as yourself." Shinsou was back to playing games, a smug smile played on his lips thinly in the helmet.

You rolled your eyes in the tinted helmet. "Don't call me that, there has to be some catch to your sentence doesn't there?" You asked as the wind blowed harshly while riding.

"Oh wow tiny clumsy girl is learning to get to know her Prince Charming isn't she. Now that you understand me more, sike." Shinsou chuckled and you squeezed his rib cage harder, pushing it in a bit.

It didn't hurt him.

"So now you're mad I'm stating facts? No need to get feisty, you can do that another time so I can pleasure you sexy." Shinsou stopped on the red light, you heard everything clearly.

"I-I told you shut up and stop calling me that- Ah hey!" You suddenly squeaked and squeezed Shinsou tight again.

He was laughing lightly hearing your voice, he could practically already paint your face in his mind.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now