Nyah~ 🍈

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Ahem uh everybody makes mistakes my finger slipped. Wholesome, right after the short spicy moment I'm sorry- Enjoy~

So obviously, you wanted payback.

You see it was that simple. Just hearing the discord chat made your ears bleed out, and if you don't count the thing Hitoshi kept shoving in your mouth you were fine.

It was totally fine. Not.

Hitoshi was just a bit too, needy.

"Come on princess. Give me a little kiss." Hitoshi lifted you up from the ground after pulling his pants up.

He sat you perfectly on his warm lap as your arms wrapped around his neck to steady yourself out.

"I-it kind of burns." You stated with the thick white substance still lingering in your mouth.

Hitoshi chuckled. "Technically speaking, you just swallowed some of our babies." He smirked with a glint of evilness in his purple eyes.

"I swear to god you make everything sexual." You held on closer to his neck, fixing your position.

The confidence took control over you for once, your knees made Hitoshi's legs spread open to their farthest as you rested your thighs in between his legs.

You smiled sweetly on the outside and sinisterly on the inside, arching your back slightly to give Hitoshi a good angle of your chest.

"At least try to make it exciting Hitoshi babe." You smirked grabbing his face with one hand.

You squeezed his cheeks once and giggled seeing as the chubby ness was hidden by his sharp jawline.

Hitoshi looked at you with confused eyebrows. "What are you trying to get at princess?" Hitoshi asked with his fingers pressing on your legs.

Soon climbing up with a sweet sensation to your close thighs.

"Stick your tongue out." You whispered touching his lips.

Hitoshi's eyes lit up, it was not long before he obliged and there was his venom tongue with a piercing.

"Here you can taste some of our babies." You smirked opening your mouth, in which the still thick cum was still there.

You pushed your chest on Hitoshi, some of the cleavage more visible to him in a fantastic view.

You stuck your tongue onto his and rubbed it like an animal. Hitoshi sucked all the cum from your tongue and pushed your head down for a kiss.

"Mm Hitoshi~." You moaned turning him on again. You smirked into the kiss, leaving your arms on his neck to go to his hands.

Your smaller hands picked up his large rough ones and you placed them perfectly on your ass. "That's right princess." Hitoshi growled smacking your ass.

"A-ahh Hitoshi!" You yelled and it turned into a moan. Having an idea, you moved your thighs around and rubbed against him.

"Y-you like that babe~." You moaned right into his ear. "Fuck baby give me more." Hitoshi groaned rubbing your ass and hard area against yours.

"H-Hitoshi~. What if I call you my daddy~." You moaned into his ear again as his tongue sucked your neck.

"Do it." Hitoshi pulled away and pushed you against his desk.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now