Di(ck)sord Tings 🍋

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Discord is an app to chat, let me know if you want my account! Lemon mature content ahah I'm screaming. Enjoy~

Jesus Christ decided to drop by and be a nice guy, by that he made the weekend come by faster. Then again it was just Thursday, Friday, and the ruler of all day's Saturday.

That day of the entire week was a great day to celebrate for anything.

In this case now, maybe it was just a tad bit rated R for Saturday. Alright, it was going to be very bad.

"Y/n did you know that Takumi's back in town?" Your mom made you wake up early to go on a morning walk with her.

Your dad had went to the race track so early to practice and test out his new car. Your parents weren't that poor yet they couldn't buy you a gum pack.

She was such a worry wort about everything. She took pepper spray and a pocket knife to protect herself in broad daylight like if men would attack, and yet she had to bring you.


"Takumi? I had to show him around school on Thursday and he didn't attend Friday. He was probably zooted up." You whispered the last part to yourself as your mom passed a plate of potatoes and waffles to you.

Your mom smiled. "Wow really? Such a coincidence! By seeing him again Y/n, wouldn't you want to try the relationship again?" Your mom asked you also grabbing her own plate.

You almost choked on the piece of waffle you had shoved into your mouth. "I-uh no way. Do you know how much he changed mom? I'm sure you don't so sorry, it's a no for me." You held your hand up stopping her.

As you chewed on your food she stared at you. "Y/n honey I just want you to have a good relationship. You're a young adult, almost going into your twenties. I don't want you to just buy a dog and done deal." Your mother made to many hand gestures.

Great now I'm dizzy. You internally said seeing her fingers move around.

"But mom you don't need to worry I already have a boyfriend!" You groaned in annoyance, cutting her off mid moment.

Your mom stopped and looked at you with a face full of confusion. "Y/n, you have a boyfriend and your just telling me this now?" She raised a quirky eyebrow.

"We haven't even been dating for long, I knew if I told you you would go back to every situation you put me through to land with someone of my choosing. I wasn't mentally prepared for that." You picked at your food.

"Oh my goodness Y/n exactly. Who is this boy? Is he your age or underage?" Your mom had begun.

You needed somewhere to begin. "He's the only son of the Shinsou's residence next door, and of course he's my age! I only know him because I work with him and he goes to my school." You thought of the way you despised your boyfriend at first.

"Ah Hitoshi Shinsou, he always looks extremely tired. But if that's your type then go ahead mija. Last question, are you still a virgin?" Your mom went straight to the point.

"M-mom don't say it so plain!" You yelled at her feeling embarrassed. "Well answer the question are you?" She was having too much fun braking into a smile.

You pouted with an angry tone to it. "Assuming you won't get mad by your gestures, um no. I'm not a, virgin." You covered your face that was about to explode.

"Oh dear lord. Well I couldn't have stopped you, you did it at his house didn't you?" Your mom blankly pointed.

"Mhm. Don't get mad." You pulled your face down, the pink in your eye sockets showing.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now