Oh How The Turn Table

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All vines are so golden, my whole life is a damn vine. ANYWAYS I know you guys loved the plot twist. Enjoy~

Well, sadly life goes on.

There was nothing that Hitoshi could do to prevent or hold you back from giving him an answer. It was all your doing, and you messed something so simple up.

'I like you'. That's all your finger needed to type as your heart pounded when you clicked send.

You shouldn't have typed what you did, in fact it made such a huge impact.

He made a huge impact on you throughout the week.

You regretted everything, but no time machines were made.

Either you were going to have to live with it, or fix the problem if you want your happiness and Hitoshi's.

"I'm so stupid." You spit out your mind flavored tooth paste in the bathroom sink.

Your face lifted its limp self up to look in the mirror.

"Why? Why why why? Everything was going to be fine so, why did my stupid fingers." You picked up your hand to look at it.

"I know it's hard to say something like that. But Hitoshi, he sounded so genuine." You smiled softly thinking of the male.

"And then there's me throwing words around that I don't even care about they don't match the sentence." You groaned thinking of the stupid text.

"I-I like you Hitoshi, that's all I needed to put. I didn't need to say it like now, he's going to hate me so much I know it. So stupid." You knocked on your own head hard enough to cause a bruise.

"I really do like him too, but how do I approach him now? Maybe I'll just skip school to avoid any interaction." You thought looking at your face, with grey eye bags and hair pieces sticking out in different ways.

You touched the eye bags knowing Hitoshi would have some. "We could be secret matching twins in my eyes." You laughed lightly to lighten yourself up.

Hitoshi was still crossing your mind.

"I messed up big time. If I try to say it my knees just buckle up and my throat gets clogged, I'm nervous for no damn reason." Your hand gripped the sink, getting clammy with minor sweat.

"I can't just say it, I like you would be so awkward now. I feel like he would just nod and walk away, I worry so much." You twisted a strand of your hair in your finger.

Reminded of times when Hitoshi would do that to you.

"I wonder what he's thinking now, he probably hates me." You sighed wanting to travel into your room and opening the window.

At the neighbors house, his mind didn't have a chance, but something else did.

"First time getting rejected and maybe last. I really like her, her mindset ruined everything. Fucking dammit Y/n." Hitoshi slammed a fist onto his desk.

"Why couldn't she just be so simple? I have a feeling, I know deep down she feels the same. But how would I bring it up again, she doesn't like me and that's final? No." Hitoshi still wanted you with a great passion.

Talking to his own self about troubles, trying to fix them when you might not care anymore.

"It's probably what I said and acted like. She looked so, happy. I love that look on her face." He smiled softly to himself.

"She might not like me the same as I saw already, and I'll have to live with that. I really enjoy having her everywhere like in the deal. Please I need to make this work." Hitoshi wished he was a child and could wish on a shooting star.

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