Wedding Like Wednesday

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Notice the Like, I'm so excited I get to control this entire book. Maybe Y/n might just say no to dating. :) Enjoy~

It's been one hell of a Hawaiian roller coaster ride already. Just to think at it was barley nearing on the middle of the week.

After all there was still a weekend to go for the full deal. Things, especially time went by fast.

They weren't living objects, but they were fascinating to stare at. The clock ticking as days were slowly yet surely moving.

It could be two pm and once you do a few chores and discuss several things on top of school and work, it would already be eight pm.

You panicked knowing you needed to go to bed in order to wake up on time with a not so grumpy attitude. It was a trait you had developed over the years.

It was sort of similar with Shinsou and his life. Also at the same time extremely different.

He didn't get much sleep every night, the most he's probably gotten so far was about three hours and twenty minutes.

Shinsou was so sleep deprived every single day no matter where he went, the eye bags were a fashion statement to him at this point.

He couldn't remove them for crap.

Unless he happened to ask you for foundation, but he wouldn't want to steal your supplies away.

When you were going to need them the most for your neck at the end of the week, and the week after that, until months added to the mixture.

Shinsou wasn't going to let it down easy with you and take it slow once you made your decision, whether it be a no or yes.

The males purple eyes have already caught onto you, he couldn't rip them apart from your existence no matter how hard he tried.

He truly did want you, you on the other side of the coin were skeptical about dating again.

You didn't know if it would benefit your heart or not, as Shinsou teased and flirted with you a whole lot much.

Believe it or not, it was staring to slowly dance into your heart. You knew he was good, but still in an actual relationship.

Things frightened you very easily for no reason.

You and Shinsou were somewhat opposites, it would be hard for you to push him away as every action the lavender haired male did came in close contact with your feelings.

He wanted his plans to exactly work, he risked his tongue cartilage for you. A little piercing didn't hurt on Shinsou, he couldn't get enough of seeing you happy instead of annoying with him.

For once at least.

You and me date tomorrow! What does that every mean?! He didn't tell me where we were going! Your brain was rummaging crazily on the inside.

Keeping a cool demeanor on the outside.

"Have a nice day sir." You simply told the customer throwing the receipt away, he didn't need it.

"Likewise young lady. Don't be twisting your eyes for your boyfriend." He laughed with barley any oxygen left grabbing his bags.

You couldn't respond as you knew he was the person to make his mind was in the range to decibel himself.

"Some people make me hate myself as a human." You groaned in annoyance standing up behind the cash register.

You had been working as a cashier for the past three hours. It seemed like a little but it was hell having to stand up and act nice to people you didn't care about, including bagging their items and hearing the beeping noise non stop.

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