Quicky Mickey 🍋

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Do i smell a, lEmOn? Just use your imagination for how spacious that locker is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). As always mature content lemon! Enjoy~

Well, someone's created a monster.

Before that gaze in Takumi's eyes, it was so nice and kind as he was talking to you for being the new student again.

Now if was all trying to seem like a facade or cover on your end.

Instead of being that kind lighthearted ocean blue eyes, they turned so savage all of a sudden.

His ocean blue eyes clouded with a dark sort of look, it was so dangerous to gaze when he had that sort of look in his eyes.

It was only because, Takumi was going insane for you already.

"T-that's your class right there, and this is also my first period. So we pretty much have the exact class together right now." You stuttered feeling his hand squeeze yours, it hurt instead of sending that fluttering feeling to your stomach like it did with Hitoshi.

"Ah nice! So the teacher won't get mad if we get in there late?" Takumi was already putting on his kind smile, the glowing slowly fading into the woods.

You shook your head, feeling your teeth clattering for a bit you had waited until they felt fine.

"N-no the school should've called every class to say you were a new student. Besides Mr. Aizawa is the type of professor to not care." You stated as a matter of factly.

It was the truth. Mr. Aizawa was a lazy and always tired teacher, you always wondered why they haven't kicked him off the job.

"Nice! Can you go in first Y/n? I'm a bit, nervous. But maybe, you can help." The menacing gaze of his blue eyes came back to haunt you as his had was squeezing yours so hard your palms were becoming red.

You gulped seeing him lean a little closer. "I-um n-no it's okay I'm good, I-I'm sure you won't be that shy." You meekly spoke trying to get away from his burning touch on your red hand.

Takumi chuckled deeply, to others it might seem normal. But to you, it was so sinister.

"But you're already in the same class, might as well do it." Takumis ocean blue eyes sparked up as his nose was now officially touching yours.

His nose felt so cold like ice, yours was boiling like hot water.

"T-Takumi stop i-I have a boyfriend." You defended yourself bringing Hitoshi into the conversation.

Takumi chuckled and licked his lips including his hanging piercing that got in the way.

"Newsflash, I don't fucking care." He smirked and kissed your lips passionately.

You didn't kiss back getting more uncomfortable hearing the kissing noises and his lips on yours.

That is until Takumi forced you to do so, he squeezed your hand so tight that was captured in his, you felt your tense bone crack.

Your heart jumped as you slowly yet surely, kissed back the insane male.

Takumi smirked against the kiss always having his way.

After you kissed back he pulled away, just after swiping his tongue on your lips. "You should wear red lipstick so we can have evidence." He touched your lips with his finger.

Takumi's nails still had his black nail polish that he forgot to take off in the shower.

"I'm not ever going to do that for you." You spoke getting furious in between gritted teeth.

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