So (W)orship (A)nd (P)raise Saturday 🍈

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So not a lemon, but I don't want to get killed so I decided to stop the teasing. Just for now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Lime mature content! Enjoy~

Surprise shawty.

This would probably be the most amazing best day in your life, or the embarrassing worst day of your life.

Depends on how you look at the situation.

Whether it be clothes fully on or clothes fully off, it was going to be one heck of a ride. What kind of ride though? That's pretty kinky for anyone's taste.

Not for Shinsou, he lived for the teasing. Especially when it was done and put down on you, taking it slow.

It came to one point where he didn't want to keep playing a game, so in hopes to finish the game, he divided the game into a different older section.

A part in which turned into a weekly deal he had made. He knew you would agree to it once you came to the correct terms.

Even though haven't been known each other for a long time, Shinsou already knew your attitude.

That's one thing that he really, enjoyed about you. One thing he really liked.

Something that told him you were really his type of girl. A reason why he couldn't help tease you, it was one way to be able to make himself pleasured with the stubbornness you took in yourself.

It made him be able to kiss you, and after many small gestures together that meant nothing between you two, he moved further.

This deal was coming to an end, therefore there needed to be answers.

Shinsou saw you changing, and that just pushed him further to get the answer he wanted to stop officially teasing you.

Launching the thing you two needed to have done.

He was bound, determined to make it.

A yes.

"I can't believe I'm going to work at this stupid 11-seven store that was infesting with rats once on a weekend." You groaned already despising the day.

"Wow I look kind of hot." Neito spoke feeling himself and staring at his features in the shiny clean window of the 11-seven.

"I would say to keep telling yourself that, but then again I'm not a mean person so uh. Yes feel the confidence." You clapped your hands for Neito who was now acting like a famous model.

The cadet grey eyed male gave you a tight side hug, you returned the pouring of a best friend in the gesture.

Neito latched himself away and suddenly felt like a superstar.

"I can see it now. I walk on the red carpet made by the blood of my enemies and I'm royal with a crown while their spirits watch me become king of the underworld!" He exclaimed picturing everything in his mind.

That's a lot of confidence to say how you really feel what's in your head. I wish I had that, for various reasons. You thought curiously gazing at Neito.

"Indeed I am really confident. I'll give you lessons lovely Y/n!" Neito patted you on the head, guessing your inner thoughts.

You were speechless hearing the words escape his mouth. He's got to be a mind reader or something. At least he isn't a spy, because he won't know what happened yesterday. I'd like to forget about it myself. You replayed your words from yesterday at the freaky car wash.

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