Sexy Hot Motorcycle Vroom Vroom

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First of all so sorry if your afraid of these things I rode on one and h e l l. But ahem hot with him. Enjoy~

It was a very beautiful day in the living hell life today, surprisingly.

The bright orange and yellow burning sun was at its tip top peak in the sky. It was shining ever so bright, blinding enough so people underground even understood.

The sky was the same as always, not changing colors from the marvelous blue that always laid above with the mysterious clouds.

Clouds passed by and flew around looking like the most fragile thing in the entire universe, as if you could capture it inside a glass jar almost.

Little green leaves from the trees that were either fully bloomed and healthy or crunchy looking and halfway near death, were falling down still.

The green leaves did little twirls while following down on the concrete, only to be crushed by the quick pasted shoes of the busy people on the streets of early Japan time.

As much as the sidewalks were busy with people talking on their devices in a rush, there was traffic up every street way with every different brand of cars in each lane.

Honking and angry people flipping each other off, the red light wasn't working and it just kept blinking like a zombie apocalypse was nearing.

If anything did happen, you would for sure take one for the team with your new miserable life.

It was funny yet extra heartbreaking to believe that it was all on a close faithful day that you had walked into the store.

In your opinion the 11-seven store was already destroyed with the heart of the lonely workers and it peaked with the most annoying people at this moment period.

It was all because of your friend Nen that needed something, a chapstick for her stupid love life that she dragged you into the tangled mess.

Not just that, gravity had to be a thing in the universe and it just had to work at this moment.

And precisely at that moment your legs suddenly turned into a baby newborn giraffe and you fell back with a crash.

All on top of the dumb stack if cans that was going to change your life in exactly a few seconds.

Soon enough a tall skyscraper built lazy lavender haired sleep deprived male that you thought was the new and improved Satan of your generation was looking over you.

Dying was especially better than living in this burning trash whole that you were now going to call your job.

The sad new extra depressing life, worse than getting excited to step on a leaf and then you do so, but the crunch just didn't come.


Like right now.

Your life was already horrible as it got with your bad grades and low in the love department.

Then the lavender haired male was teasing you more for being a new worker there, talk about mental in the head.

And he was your neighbor.

How fantastic.

"No no don't take my-my m-money I'm ah I'm poor. J-just a horse is fine, oh look there's a fairy." You we're still in your dream land drooling and holding your pillow tight.

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