🍋 (Ya Nasty It's Shinsou's Fault)

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You've been hit by, you've been struck by a smooth ME because this is not a lemon, pulled a sneaky on ya. Lemonsoon. Enjoy~

After solving the mystery of the missing random items in the store, it really bursted the bubble of the element of surprise when you screamed like a 'girly girl' quoted by Shinsou himself.

Then again what did he expect you to scream like when you were almost jumped by a Godzilla built rat.

What the hell did Shinsou want you to scream like? A dinosaur rawr.

Neito solved the problem, very violently to add on. Son of a bitch just tased the damn rats with full electricity mode on.

Psychopaths could never be at this type of sadistic level they need to step up their game with Neito in the house.

Obviously you all kept the rat snitching mystery away from the press and the people who come and check the stores environment once every two months.

If you were to open your mouth you could easily say something about the incident and the whole store would be shut down, then the boring and annoying job you never asked for would go bye bye see you NEVER.

And on the other bright side another person who just walked in uninvited into your life would also fly away like the raggedy person you think he is.

In a way now, you were starting to get comfortable as a matter of factly.

Comfortable and calm in a sense that it was easy to work at an 11-seven and balance life like you never thought it would've gone so smoothly.

In your perspective on life you would've thought you'd head straight for the floor at any moment with bullets coming at you.

Got yourself messed up and twisted.

The moment with the rat did frighten you, and then Shinsou's voice was behind you.

You were beginning to get more comfortable with him, a little too cozy.

Neito was on your new best friend list and you liked the energy with being around him.

Both of you held vibes around the store that were filled with crackhead serum. All fun and games.

Shinsou, he was just too flirty. It was actually starting to get to you.

You knew this because you weren't the type of girl to be wounded so easily by pick up lines and flirty gifts.

Oh boy was Shinsou making those tables turn like a rapid fire spreading into your life.

Closer to a beating heart, it was up to both of you to still accept it.

"I just don't understand how that's possible." You we're walking down the halls while talking with your friend Nen.

You had lost contact with her for only a few days, probably adding up to make a week since you had started working at 11-seven.

It was a little more difficult to search and find time, it wasn't going to run up to you anymore.

You missed being lonely again. You were still lonely romance wise and just a plain loner at that, no will to live the only way to put it.

"I knew you were the one to deny your feelings, you may seem tough but every human needs to break once in a while, it's apart of life." Nen gave your shoulder an encouraging tap on the walk.

Your eyebrows narrowed done hearing her words.

"Wow since when did you become so intelligent? I've tried and nothings popping up, I just think somethings wrong with me and my brain you know?" You started your sentence off fine but it just quickly shifted into a ramble.

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