Millisecond Kisses-

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We're like, so close yet so far, from extending the plot. I just need to show more speed and I'm slow. Um- slight teasing- Enjoy~

Never in your entire life would you think that your body and mind would combine in togetherness to create something much worse if it's thinking.

A handle of situations crunched in all together like the satisfying fall leaves when you step on them.

You knew you shouldn't have felt the way you did with Nanako being back.

Everyone knows her as a gossip girl that just likes to take in every guys mess she sees, and seeing Shinsou he was a perfect new target.

The being new to all things allowed him to be a flower in a field of corn. The lavender haired male popped out perfectly.

He was always by your side as well as Neito since you started working at the 11-seven store.

Things got better with the friend relationship of you and Neito partners in crime for working, but Shinsou.

It didn't feel right addressing him as that either.

He was just too flirty towards you, and now you figured out he was the same with others.

Apparently only people that he wanted to get close to, he obviously avoided Nen but he acted so carelessly around Nanako.

It made you want to vomit the project as soon as you noticed what Nanako was doing to get attention from a specific someone.

It created a monster out of Shinsou to let his little flirt antics fly free around a person who liked to joke just like Nanako.

They could be a perfect match, the problem was Shinsou wasn't going to let that happen.

He already had his purple eyes set on someone, and he wasn't going to be pleased unless he had that someone.

Shinsou's game was to flirt back, he felt fearless and smug as he saw your expressions change throughout the moves.

He could read your expressions easily by studying closely over the past few weeks, Shinsou was very interested in you to say the least.

The game of flirting went on until he knew you snapped, calling the project finished.

Shinsou had his own project going inside his head, also occupying the things that ran and escaped his mouth.

You didn't know what was happening in your head, your body had never experienced a feeling like this when faced with other people.

Always trying to deny it and hide it easily from others.

The tables turned.

Now, there was another person outside of your family who figured it out so easily, you couldn't play hide and seek.

I can't be jealous right? Not anymore at least. You internally thought with no more room for thinking.

Not anymore because you were currently making out with Shinsou.

Sike you wish that was you huh? He had pinned you down to the floor with no escape.

"You're jealous aren't you?" Shinsou calmly spoke breaking your thoughts.

"I-I'm anything but jealous, you both can have each other I don't care." You were staring into his eyes hating the purple pressure.

You turned away feeling hotter than usual with Shinsou on top of you.

"Don't lie to me baby, I saw your pretty face." Shinsou used the sweet talk again.

His large hands were pinning each of your wrists to the warm carpet. Shinsou's right leg was next to your thigh. His left leg however, the knee from it was now being pressed up against your area.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now