Strumming my Pain with his Fingers

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And so the plot thickens. Probably about 15 or 17 more chapters to go, depends wonky winky twinky. Onwards. Enjoy~

One thing was for sure.

It was great to be a kid that was deaf while walking down the halls when Hitoshi was being a little too comfortable and rough.

Luckily that time ended, and since your boyfriend hit it from the back, your walking was just a little bit tad off from your normal walking.

In order to notice you would have to be staring at your face that twisted up every time you took a step and your upper legs hurt.

"Yes schools finally over!" Nen cheered stretching her arms out wide.

"Well technically school isn't exactly over. There's still homework we have to do at home. Let's all make one thing clear, am I really going to do it? Um yes I don't want to get my ass whooped." Neito was giving everyone a background story of his home life.

Nen actually broke into a small pile of laughter knowing the feeling. "Nothing hurts more than when they say stop crying or I'll hit you more and your just standing there like sobbing." She obviously knew the feeling as well.

Neito shrugged agreeing fully. "It all depends on what you do really. Tip, don't use your mom's credit card to buy a nuclear bomb from China." He stated as if he was a presenter.

The female was scared a bit. What if I'm literally next to a serial killer? She was dying on the inside and laughing on the outside.

"I've never done much really, just snuck out to a party. I fell out the window and broke my knee." Nen held her thumb up scared out of her pants that day.

The blond male smacked his head. "Stupid move I'll have to admit. Hey Toshi! Have you ever done something so bad?!" Neito turned to his friend who had been a ghost the entire time.

Hitoshi was staring at the sky in his own train of thoughts, all of them revolved around you. "Huh? Oh I uh, ran straight into traffic as a little kid. I totally wanted to be in an action movie." Hitoshi chuckled to himself, the sad facade washing it away again.

"No wonder it looks like I'm staring at death right in the eye, bro you died and came back to life!" Neito slapped Hitoshi's back.

The lavender haired male turned to look at his friend. "Seriously dude? That would be nice though." Hitoshi smirked with a creepy tint to it.

"Back away from the human." Neito was insane, but honestly he just wanted people to kneel below the gravel on him.

Hitoshi was another story. Prison might be the setting.

"Ugh where is Y/n?! She's not even class president!" Nen stomped her foot seeing all the students leave.

"You two could go if you want, I'm always going to be waiting for her." Hitoshi whispered to himself. Back upon his daze about you.

I really hope she's doing alright with that freak. Hitoshi wanted to use your old 'friend' as a punch bag.

You were walking down the almost empty halls with Takumi, not enjoying it.

"So Y/n, you wanna go to dinner right now? How about my house, you can see my room." Takumi smirked to himself as you were shorter.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now