Not Gordon Ramsay at Simon Cowell

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These titles are so hard to do so why not make them look super dumb for fun right? I'm right. Enjoy ~

This wasn't even a store anymore, it damn right was not an average 11-seven you would see filled with customers and WORKERS that actually WORKED.

Seriously everything was wrong with these people here, their heads were definitely not screwed on correctly from birth beginning to start with.

Childhood they probably didn't have any friends and fell off a bike without a helmet to get a concoction that damaged the brain cells inside of their distorted human body now.

As teenagers they probably were just on their phone which was rotting their brain from taking much more important things that meant something like school work.

Now as young adults they were still extremely mental and needed the medical attention span, yet they didn't get sleep for health either.

Such slackers the lord and savior created to come into the world in his place.

So many people in the world and few in the store, yet they were all unstable from some place and it wasn't even a lie.

As people passed by they thought they needed to call an ambulance from seeing through the window, they just picked up the pace on their walking and went on with their day.

Because in life who wants to help people, that's so overrated.

But seriously mental hospital anyone know their number? We have seriously dumb issues over here and it's going to get worse.

As you now began to work here, it was going to rise up into a volcano very rapidly.

This work place only had two people working here before you came in to be the third by force and not will.

How fun was that, all because you were clumsy and fell you owed a debt for dumb tin cans falling over.

It was so simple to clean up it just triggered you.

"Here are the rest of your supplies. Have a nice day!" Neito smiled at the lady probably in her early fifties handing her the two bags full of all kids of supplies.

"Thank you very much young man. Oh and are those kids alright too? I might be a bit concerned for them." She asked pointing at an aisle.

Neito made a confused face and leaned over the counter to look at the aisle she was pointing in.

His cadet grey eyes landing on the scene.

You and Shinsou were there in the aisle, though far he could clearly see that you were both bickering non stop and moving away from each other like little siblings being so dramatic.

"Oh don't worry about that ma'am. My local friend there with the lavender hair is just a little upset that his girlfriend came to work here uninvited." Neito said giving her a normal smile again.

The lady returned it.

"Ah I see, how wonderful that is indeed. Well you tell them to take it easy on that relationship, and have a good day as well!" She waved and left the store.

Neito smiled until he saw her out of sight far from the store and let out a heavy sigh.

His straight back was now hunched a bit and he just looked like an entire new lazy person standing behind the cashier.

"Dammit this store makes my posture bad. Eh it's not like I care it was bad to begin with. My cheeks are going to hurt from smiling though." Neito said massaging the side of his cheeks a bit.

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