The Future

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This is the second to last chapter, I hope you all have fun reading this joyful chapter before the next two. Enjoy~

Whether the change becomes good or bad, it's up to you to find a place fit for you.

"Oh so that's how you met dad right mom?" A little squeaky voice said.

"Ew disgusting dads musty." A raspier voice was heard.

"Shut up Nen your over exaggerating here. I'm not having children." You groaned throwing her a glare as she preformed a whole play.

"I think Y/n sounds better as a mommy." Hitoshi licked his lips, he had gotten up to get a beverage.


Everyone that was visiting your house laughed in the living room.

Nen and her boyfriend Akito had gone over and so did your boyfriend Hitoshi, it wasn't that far of a walk for him.

Neito gathered you all up without being there himself, you were starting to think this get together like thing was for nothing.

"Ugh what time is Neito coming?!" Nen groaned growing bored and shaking her legs, Akito rubbed her back with a patient kind smile.

"I bet he accidentally stuck a French fry up his nose so he's trying to get it out." Hitoshi rammed into the conversation as he sat next to you.

Hitoshi wrapped his long arm around you to pull your sitting figure a bit closer, he sat with his legs spread open.

"Who are you texting?" You asked suddenly getting close to him, you didn't like to be nosy for that but now you were becoming extra careful.

Hitoshi chuckled pulling his phone away lightly from you. "Why do you want to know?" He glanced over at your face, knowing he made a mistake to see your face with a lifted eyebrow.

"Um because one it won't hurt to and two I'm your girlfriend and show you basically everything. You even stole my phone last time when I faced it away." You were giving him multiple reasons just for a peek at his screen.

"Ohh so that's why you were taking a long time to respond to what color dress I should wear! But seriously really long what did you do for three hours?!" Nen raised her voice again from the couch across the coffee table.

You froze up knowing what day she was talking about. Shit I can't say Hitoshi was horny again and he kept me that long?! You were internally panicking in this new scenario.

"Oh yeah what were we doing for three hours? First we cleaned her room and when I saw Y/n laying down on the bed so she was asking for it, we obviously had like five rounds of sex." Hitoshi, always showed true colors though they may not be appropriate.

"Hitoshi Shinsou!" You yelled slamming your hands on the soft cushions of the couch with a beet red face.

It was too late, deaf people had it easy now.

"I could've gone my entire life without hearing that." Akito chucked nervously glancing at Nen who looked to be amused in shock.

Nen was staring intently at you two. "But doesn't he pound you Y/n? How are you still alive? The bed broke didn't it? Akito why can't you do five rounds with me?" She exploded with multiple questions at once.

Akitos body glitched making all sorts of nervous movements to cover himself. "I-I don't know haha you never uh ask?" He meekly said prepared for her wrath.

"Well it's not my fault your the submissive type! I even wear cute clothes for you and you just go on with your day passing by." Nen broke down with a sad expression, Akito began to apologize.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now