Don't you just wanna 🤜🏼😀

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Yes of course I want to go and do that who wants to join in my car? Let's go. Enjoy ~

It truly was just the beginning.

Even though people had never been on your life to stay for a while, ahem talk about anti social and people that can't keep each other, now you were going to work in a place filled with them.

Who knows what kind of people walk into this store and do their thing because it's a free place and anyone is allowed to step inside.

What people that were going to walk in knew was that you were a new worker if they were locals.

It's amazing how some people actually come everyday to get cheaper things than the actual stores because they are too expensive.

Those people, no matter who they were, you wished them to have a very blessed good life.

A good life because a lot of people don't have the same situations, every single human being lives with what they have because of their previous generation.

Some people were up to no good at all searching for huge amounts of trouble and paying the consequences later on for their doings.

Some people were the greatest you'll ever meet.

Others were filthy rich. Not even a single penny poor

Others were low on money and didn't have anything. Everything costed billions for them even if it was just one cent they could spend.

It was pretty sad the conditions that most of the population lived in, but it was the way of life.

Only you can decide on what path you want to take in life. If you want to keep being miserable or if you want to stand up and make a change as once a normal human being.

You have one life after all, humans should all use it wisely.

This wasn't the smart case for you.

After just bumping into a supply of tin cans you were going to work to pay off a debt probably for eternity.

Not only am I screwed with this job these co workers won't be any help. Seriously where do we work Subway, there's only two of them! Well now three because of my awesome self but come on why am I unlucky! You yelled into your head wanting to slam it several times.

Now everyone was going to know you because you were going to be the awkward new girl working at a stupid 11-seven.

"Hey Shinsou! That a newbie worker girl?" Suddenly a voice came in followed by some boxes being dropped off.

Just as Jesus Christ suspected.

You and Shinsou turned together from coming out of the break room as you both saw a guy there.

He was smiling brightly and very different from Shinsou already. His electric appearance blinding from his golden hair.

"Oh hey Kaminari. And yeah we got her because she wanted a job here." Shinsou said giving a smug smile.

"No I didn't you idiot!" You whisper yelled at him wanting to slap him all the way to the end at the face of the earth.

"Ah I see you two already got comfortable huh? Nice Shinsou get her! Well I just came to drop off the storage for this week it's only a bit. See you later! Bye newbie!" The happy male said waving and fleeing away.

"I hate everybody." You whispered underneath your breath.

"Same newbie girl." Shinsou said trying to get under your skin with the horrible nickname that was brought up and into the conversation again.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now