Spawns of Satan

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I absolutely love little kids, but the moment to tell on me or fart or something I'm headed the heck out. Enjoy~

Pure actual hell was about to come down, you just couldn't see it coming yet.

"So I'm thinking extreme water park. Twisty slides everywhere and they have to aim for the pool, or else their lips get shredded endlessly." Neito was imagining it all on his own trying to explain it to his English class.

The teacher almost dropped the chalk piece he held in his hand.

"I'm really beginning to understand why you are such a strange child." The teacher whispered to himself trying to smile at Neito.

"Ah young boy you have a very, imaginative imagination but it's not quite what he want to say for the community." He let it down slowly on Neito who was sitting quietly in his seat.

The rest of the class really didn't care, yes college was important, they just didn't care.

Cheat on tests and you pass, then when they become a doctor they have no clue what to do.

"You know teach you're right, the worlds not ready for my awesome ideas yet. I'll get it there eventually." Neito was quite full of himself erasing a couple of sentences from his sentence.

This class was starting to get very hectic for you. School really made you hate life.

"What are we even talking about? This class is so annoying." You whispered to yourself with an annoyed groan at the end.

Takumi was also in that class. "Right? Just teach the lesson and let us leave why do we need to participate?" He was so close to causing a scene just so everyone would leave.

The males seat was still right behind yours, he just didn't care after you plainly rejected him.

You lightly laughed hearing your friend behind you.

Most of the people you enjoyed talking to were in that class. Nen sat next to you.

"Oh no Takumi Y/n just wants to be in a class with Hitoshi." Nen made the light kissing noises to joke around.

You froze up in your seat, wanting to hide in a corner and shrink down as your cheeks grew red.

Takumi chuckled from behind you. "It's all right to feel that way Y/n. If I was dating someone I really liked I would definitely feel that way." He talked low tapping your foot with his long leg.

Nen snickered. "Takumi are you gay? Neito needs someone too." She friend to the blond boy, only to see him making a canon and ready to launch a pencil at a students head.

In which he did.

"Ow Monoma quit it!" Kendo, a classmate with orange hair grit her teeth at him.

The teacher heard whispers behind his back, he just didn't care.

Takumi was shocked looking over at Neito who was furiously taking notes, his motives changed so quick.

"Actually I'm bisexual. I don't mind guys and girls but Neito, I think a girl would calm him down. I would introduce him to crack to be honest." Takumi truthfully said knowing his eyes were red from the smoke he had.

Your eyes grew wide as your head turned to face Nen. "Oh so your bisexual? That's honestly pretty cool, find anyone yet?" You laughed, liking how Takumi grew into a person.

He shrugged. "Not yet, no one really comes up to me because of my piercing I guess. Though I met this one girl and she was actually pretty cool." He recalled earlier events.

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