Hes Hard You're Moist

294 17 70

I know your mind is in the gutter right now, but like- as it should be on here we all know how it goes. Enjoy~

That little kid demon hassle had been round up a while ago.

To you it was fun while it lasted, not having much cousins or little kids in your life.

To Hitoshi it was the worst thing that could ever occur, it's not that he didn't like children that wasn't the specific thing here.

He just plain on hated his little cousins, they were the literal demons hell sent as a angel first to take that first precaution.

"Aw hell naw I hate men hey girl awoga." Neito was as lively as ever today, then again that big always appeared as if he took a whole hunk of crack.

You popped up into sight from the break room doing your hair in the most comfortable style.

Turning your gaze over at your sadistic co worker, a smile went into your stare. "Hey again Neito." You laughed lightly seeing his head turn so quick towards you he appeared as if he was a chicken clucking.

"H-hey y/n." He smiled sweetly leaning on the counter, instead of being slick with things he managed to drop half of the magazines that were lying on their own small shelf.

"Hitoshi!" You called for your boyfriend the one that has the most stressed out eye bags and messiest hair.

"Hmm what is it baby?" He answered calmly, Hitoshi had a rough voice that sent your heart to go haywire hearing the slight raspy tone behind it.

"Have you sorted the cereal boxes back in that aisle again?" You asked him pointing at the aisle number that had the good located.

Hitoshi thought quickly, which was pretty bad dry ty and slow brain was never notified of what was happening, or comprehended when he did things with anything.

"No I didn't baby I did that in the candy aisle a while ago. Just fix some of the boxes I'll help you since it is a lot." Hitoshi lifted up another heaving bid with his muscles tightening into a flex.

You gulped resisting the urge to become slightly, dare say horny to your own self. Before things could get to the path out of hand you zoomed into another aisle.

"Yo Hitoshi!" Neito yelled for his friend across the store who was opening the pack of fresh fruit, he was all the way at the cashier just chilling lounging around.

"What?" Hitoshi groaned sounding more annoyed than when he was just so sweet to you a second ago, and wiped his forehead feeling his heavy everything was.

"Can I kiss Y/n again?" Neito asks calmly placing his hand under his chin, fluttering his eyelids open and closed with a kind smile.

Hitoshi's eyebrow curved up at the confusion he just experienced in his hair. "Um did I hear you right? You wanted to kiss my girlfriend? Go kiss that lamp post outside boy your getting air from her." Hitoshi blew Neito off.

"Wha- it was just a simple question and I'm trying to practice my lip skills! What if u unlock a secret move while giving it to her hmm? She might enjoy me more than you." Neito had officially spoken too much for his own good blowing on his fingernails like royalty.

Hitoshi picked on a green apple that was extremely ripe, tossing it up in the air before launching it at Neitos head who took the blow.

He was screwed.

Both of them in a way.

"Um you do know that I already have ADHD my dude. And ptsd, post traumatic Down syndrome. No wait I am, siren. Never mind but OW!" Neito grabbed his head getting a little dramatic seeing you in sight.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now