Stupid Ending Sunday 🍈

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That should've been enough to feed you guys am I right? Wait never mind, little lime ; ). Enjoy~

That's the moment, pinpointed right there you wanted to die.

It's when Hitoshi was caught on top of you as you were laying extremely comfortable with that position on your bed.

You both arrived at deaths gate getting prepared to go to jail and admit the defeat of your mother, such a great place and time for her to just knock then waltz in your room.

At first you were afraid to go far with Hitoshi, but now someone had to ruin it when you gained confidence.

It's no ones fault, but whoops.

"Y/n honey if you don't open the door I'm just going to walk in. Last time you got mad because you were singing and dancing when I surprised you." Your mother continued to knock on the unlocked door.

You and Hitoshi had different perspectives.

"Shit what am I going to do?!" The steam on your face calmed down from the heated moment.

"Wait, you sing and dance in your room? You need to leave the window open sometime then, just for a little show." Hitoshi was still enjoying himself joking around, while his muscles flexed from being on top.

You felt embarrassment take place. "S-shut up and stop talking she might hear you!" You covered your slightly swollen lips from all the kissing.

Hitoshi rolled his purple eyes when a smirk fell onto his face. "But isn't that good? Because your already mine." Hitoshi leaned down to kiss your lips again.

"Y/n! I'm not patient anymore!" You heard your mother loose her temper.

"Shit. Hurry up and hide in my closet? No she'll check there, just quick go under my bed hurry up! Please I don't want her to see you yet, I don't want to get you in trouble if she doesn't approve." You shuffled around in bed gazing up at Hitoshi's face with pleasing eyes.

Hitoshi took in your words getting ready to discuss what he heard later. "Well I did say anything for my princess." He chuckled deeply and gave your lips sweet kisses.

You wanted to make the kisses last longer, getting in trouble wouldn't make up for that.

"Y/n I'm going in your room in five." Your mother had begun the countdown.

She hadn't done that since you were six and you were burning ants outside instead of going in for lunch.

Hitoshi got off from on top of you quietly and swiftly putting on shirt.

His purple eyes climbed down to see under your bed. "That's way too small for me." Hitoshi pointed with a dead stare.

"I don't care find something!" You whisper yelled hearing your mother.

Hitoshi dragged himself to the most obvious place in the movies, second to the closet.

The dumb male went behind the door as your mother opened it with ease.

"Idiot." You glared at Hitoshi seeing a smug mark on his face.

"One. What are you doing that you couldn't open the door?" She bursted in not seeing the glare on your face as you smiled awkwardly.

"I-um I was going to do uh, yoga! Yeah and I needed a new set of clothes but you came!" You covered up the reason for you to be only in your undergarments.

Your mother raised her eyebrow at you. "Hmm, I'm deciding believe that. Anyways, my flight got canceled as soon as we were boarding the plane because two wheels popped." Your mother sighed and sat in your bed with you.

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