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Maybe I should've just named it beatboxing, oh well. Have fun reading that title. Lime, Mature content. Enjoy~

Well, it was set in stone.

Maybe plastic was a better product because things were bumpy on the way to reach a goal, like any other person.

Neito got his blackmail.

Hitoshi got his act together.

You finally let go of your tightened up mindset.

And Nen was a bit traumatized seeing her friend kiss.

You didn't let any of that stop you.

"I love you." You whispered to Hitoshi giving him a few repeatedly small kisses on his face.

Hitoshi chuckled seeing your mascara clear up and leave a few tear stained marks.

"I know you do." Hitoshi answered back, giving you another hard time to deal with him as a burden.

"You're so mean." You glared up staring at him.

"Shh you didn't let me finish princess. I love you more." Hitoshi grabbed your face gently in a whim and kissed your lips sweetly.

You let your arms freely go around Hitoshi's neck as they pleased, touching a few strands of his messy lavender hair.

"Tonight I'll give you every ounce of my love. You won't be able to walk and I'll have your voice gone from all the screaming." Hitoshi huskily whispered in your ear.

His wet muscle licked your ear, his cold piercing on your face again felt so good.

"Do it, I want to feel you." You pulled Hitoshi down by his collar taking full charge, moaning softly just in his ear.

Hitoshi felt his face heat up hearing your noises. "Then I'm making myself a hard hitter and going all the way inside princess." Hitoshi sent more chills down your spine.

You two apparently blocked out the entire world because you didn't hear any noises other than each other up until now.

"Jesus lord get a room!" Nen was gagging and covering her nose, for no reason, while staring at you both along the small street.

"Yeah you know by what they were saying their getting a room tonight." Neito heard your conversation and wanted to make his ears bleed on an airplane take off.

Your eyes widened as you clinger to Hitoshi.

"T-delete that photo and stop it!" Your face was flushed badly as Hitoshi was whatever with the situation again.

Neito clicked his tongue. "Nope I'm keeping thsi for blackmail personal reasons. Hitoshi has so much of me, he got the wonderful panel when I was in mid sneeze." Neito still hated his friend for that time.

"Oh yeah, you let your nostrils suck in all of the pepper dumbass." Hitoshi chuckled holding you to him.

Nen sighed. "Well now that that's resolved, I don't have the urge to smack Hitoshi anymore and Nanako girl has been solved." Your friend happily smiled at you with a staring cheer.

You let go of Hitoshi to hug Nen, the male pouting a bit feeling the cold wind your skin was covering.

"Aww I'm kind of sad it's over, now I won't pretend to date Y/n. I'm going to be lonely for life." Neito sighed holding up a peace sign.

"Nen's right there." Hitoshi asked hitting a spot of Nens bad side.

"What?! I have a boyfriend already thank you very much!" She huffed and let you go, giving Hitoshi the fully marked area to snatch you.

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