Trail Mix 🍋

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This is the last chapter, but stay because there will be an extra ending as promised. Mature content. Thank you all ily. Enjoy~

It really was still chaos to the very end, and by having it any other way you wouldn't be able to deal with it.

"Hey Y/n aren't you glad I pushed you on those metal stacked cans that day? Look at the bright side now you have another friend because of it and a boyfriend!" Nen smiled across from you at the lunch table.

You looked up at her with a different look than she was expecting, you looked like you were ready to kill someone.

"I could have gone without any of it, I mean I wasn't desperate for any of it and you just happened to knock it over." You bore your eyes into the back of Nens head.

The girl still wasn't fazed, she knew it Nen began to go off on you again like a threat.

"Oh you didn't need a boyfriend? Hey look here comes Hitoshi I'll tell him a little something right now." Nen held a sweet smile, she was still planning something in the inside.

No one got away with a cute smile unless it was with a cute band of little kids and crawling babies.

"Nen what are you going to tell him?" You asked her with a curious look on your face.

Though she may not appear like it Nen was capable for various purposes and smart when she wanted to print the effort into the assignment.

"What am I go to tell him? I'll just give him a compliment because everyone needs one to shine brighter right?" Nen held her act up already making her cheekbones starting to get sore in the process.

"But man your boyfriend walks super slow." Nen stated as Hitoshi was lazily talking to his friend on the slow move.

"What do you want me to do? Fast forwards time like a music concert so he can be running ten hundred miles so simply." Music was amazing, if feel like the one you would always trust the one that's kind of the leader away.

Nen was starting to make you doubt everything about it trust. "Shut up Y/n. Just sit because you relax you Ugh." Your female friend was getting frustrated just by the slow pace your boyfriend walked along with a best friend.

"No because you don't understand how lucky you are to be in a relationship, you have to so easy! Especially with someone like Y/n that you take for granted." Neito was already licking his lips staring at the food in his plate.

For once the cafeteria accepted the complaints on the nasty food they gave, it was time for the upgrade.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I don't take advantage of Y/n in any way. You may need to get those yes checked Sherlock." Hitoshi flicked Neitos forehead as Neito was still focused on something else.

"Ow! Hey thanks Toshi! Now I can go over to my precious Y/n and tell her that you hurt me and she can kiss my boo boo all better!" Neito never went one second without a in mind.

"Touch Y/n or even tell her that and I swear I'll kick you off the face of earth if it's the last time I'll see you." Hitoshi was ready to be the villain in a story.

Neito nervously chuckled and scooter away as he walked along. "I think I'll just kiss her for free thank you very much sir have a good day!" Neito winked at Hitoshi.

He can kiss her over my fucking dead body. Hitoshi was growing jealous on the inside with his fingertips boiling.

"Why you son of a b- " "Hey Y/n!" "Hi Hitoshi!" Neito waved sitting at the end of the bench with you in the front.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now