Worker by Day, Detective- Also by Day

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I'm crap so, all of these chapters, just going to be immaculate hopefully. Happy New Year's Eve/Day too. Love y'all. Enjoy~

To be entirely honest with everyone soul you have made contact with, you weren't the type of person to be soft and quiet.

The one who tried everyone feel better about themselves or consoled them when you knew they were the actual huge problem.

Basically, you didn't let people down slowly. You gave it to them like a boss and if they didn't like you after, bye the door is in front of you.

It was fun getting to play this badass role around others, even if you didn't have a reason to live yourself on the inside.

You were born to make the world shatter and shake at your fingertips. Bringing new feelings and relationships into the mix, creating an even bigger atmosphere to strive in.

Another person was doing that for you as well, making the difference in you finally show.

The more per day 'soft' side you wanted to develop in you.

You already had that sort of side to you around family and friends that gathered one by one besides you.

Helping you overcome obstacles and ofc course be the best person you can ever strive to become.

Just for now, you were working at an old and musty 11-seven.

How wonderful was that.

Back to the person who caused all of this mess from picking you up and seeing as you were once again, poor.

Yet your parents had the best money giving jobs so it didn't make quite sense to you.

Simple they always said, it was so easy everyone else added on.

Well apparently you weren't such a big brain to be in this position now.

Shinsou, the one that kept you wrapped around his finger. Or around a whole water filled tank he could drop you in at any moment.

He could drop your emotions was the most accurate response, bringing new expressions in.

Most of the times he annoyed you, but people did things for a reason.

He still sucked, there was no reason for you to think otherwise.

Yet it was almost like being truthful to your own self was a sin. Sure you did hate Shinsou at some things he did. Then you looked at the other side of him, the side that just showed he was sleep deprived and a new person in your life.

It was weird how your mind worked and moved with the different reasons.

It felt like your mind was a messy office trying to fix papers with the new things they kept occurring.

Confusing yes, but it was just the start.

"So did you have fun on our date?" Shinsou asked walking you back outside of the little cafe you two spent a good amount of time in.

"I'm not going to think it was a date, but yeah it was a nice outing I guess. We should do it again some time." You we're letting your mouth freely talk.

Bad decision really.

"Oh you want to do it again on replay? Then it's going to be another date whether you say it is or not, you think what you think." Shinsou got the flirt factor sucked back in him with your statement.

Your eyes got tired from how much you rolled your eyes.

"Nothings going to shut your stupid mouth up. I can easily quit the job and avoid you at school. I'll just be broke and beg my parents to pay." You scoffed still feeling powerful.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now