Wheelchairs Are Free Real estate

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So you guys wanted spicy I think that was enough spicy for a while. Time for the fun of embarrassment! Message at the end. Enjoy~

Well, V card went bye bye.

That's for sure.

"Jesus lord, did you hear that, noise up in Hitoshi's room?" Hajime, Hitoshi's dad, was finally waking up from a small nap that he had.

The nap didn't help for nothing. He still had the blackest eye bags of all time and he was yawning like no tomorrow.

"Huh? Oh I'm sure he's just moving things around and remodeling the room a bit. He does want a good perspective of everything just in case." Mihiko gave Hajime a response to his question.

It was a very formal and noble one, not a all what you and Hitoshi were doing up in his room.

Hajime shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever you say dear." He patted his wife's head and they slept again.

Up in Hitoshis room, you were both on his bed breathing heavily.

"Damn sexy I didn't know your pussy flowed like that? You like it rough don't you princess." Hitoshi whispered as he laid next to you.

You were both half naked.

After doing the deed you put your panties back on, they dried up a little from how soaked they were. In addition you put your bra back on, it still left cleavage showing and you were too lazy to pick it up.

Hitoshi wore his boxers on him as well, the boner he had calmed down. He was shirtless as his boxers hung low, showing that v line.

"I only like it rough from you Hitoshi~." You pulled your boyfriend close enough to moan softly in his ear.

Hitoshi's area below perked up, you felt it on your wet panties.

"Mm my princess is making me act up again. I think I'm going to need a round two of that full course throbbing pussy." Hitoshi licked his sharp tooth, teasing it with his piercing.

You kissed Hitoshi's cheek while playing with his wild lavender hair. "Next time I get to have more fun with you. And then you'll get me." You spoke directly to Hitoshi with half lidded eyes.

He smirked and pulled your bare waist, now rubbing your area with his.

"Oh so you're playing hard to get now? I see princess. You can ride it all you want." Hitoshi whispered onto your lips, sending his hot breath to tickle you.

"Fuck just kiss me already." You cursed wanting him so bad, not waiting and smashing your lips onto his.

Hitoshi chuckled and kissed back as your bodies were intertwined together again.

"Hmm mm Hitoshi~." You moaned opening your mouth as his tongue savagely slipped inside.

Roaming your wet cave as your tongue went into his, touching and licking every rough spot.

"F-fuck Y/n." Hitoshi growled feeling your bottom area flow as you arched your back down.

You pressed your chest on his warm abs and stuck your ass our in which he gradually grasped.

"Ahh Hitoshi~." You moaned again feeling his large hand squeeze your ass.

After another minute of the small make out session, Hitoshi linked himself up to sit on the bed.

"Y/n baby can you walk? I know I thrusted so damn hard into you." He said motioning to your body.

You touched your legs, but you couldn't feel them. "I can't really feel my legs." You said and moved them to slip off the bed.

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