Shucks That's A Lot of cOme 🍋

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The embarrassment can save you 15% or more on car insurance. I know you all have been waiting. Lemon, sexual content. Enjoy~

You know what that was.

The people that make you mentally unstable and crush your personality little by little as you get older and have an attitude?


Not to forget the way they compare you to people and the way that you can't defend yourself because at the end of the day, they have more power together.

Ultimately, parents could ruin your day with one word.

These parents definitely weren't going to ruin the plan Hitoshi had.

"Uh oh." You whispered underneath your breath knowing you and Hitoshi were still holding hands and he wasn't showing no sign of letting go.

The person who opened the door looked just like Hitoshi, just very old.

He was about two inches taller and a bit more masculine from his broad shoulders. His lavender hair was slowly turning grey.

The thing you noticed off the bat was the darkest deadliest eye bags.

His beat Hitoshi's, you didn't know that was scientifically possible. When he blink Ed slowly you could hear the crunch of his eyeballs.

"Hey dad, you don't look a day over eighty." Hitoshi broke the quiet silence with the breeze just hung in the air.

His dad?! Why would he say that my dad would've joked but my mom would've got a belt and slapped me! You already noticed how different children treat their parents.

"My poor sons loosing his memory, I'm only thirty six." His dad chuckled and patted Hitoshi's lavender set of messy hair.

Then in a mere second he turned over to look at you. "Ah you must be that daughter of the neighbors. L/n correct?" He called you out, not in a harsh way.

Yet your hands were getting a bit clammy with Hitoshi feeling them sensing you were nervous.

"Oh uh yes! H-hello my names H/n, u-uh oh man I mean my name is Y/n! Uh pleasure to meet you?" You held your hand out timidly, stumbling upon your words like an idiot.

You felt his squeeze your had with his slim linked fingers rubbing your palm.

You heard his dad chuckle. "Well seeing the sight before me. Y/n you could come inside if you like, don't worry we don't bite." His dad smiled kindly at you and opened the door all the way.

Hitoshi's dad was gesturing today what was happening in your head area, sending a glance and a lazy point at it.

You gulped down your saliva and got your buckled knees ready, just in case they made you scram.

"Honey who's that?!" You then heard a more feminine voice yell out from a farther room as the slight echo bounced once.

"A stranger that says they want to rob the house. Of course it's your son lady!" Hitoshi's father played around before spilling the truth out.

You laughed lightly feeling more comfortable knowing they were an easy going family for the sore eye at first.

"Wow, they might've already taking a liking to you. But I wasn't expecting this so our little session can be put on hold for now." Hitoshi chuckled deeply and kissed your cheek.

"I-you're not serious right? Their going to be in the house forever!" You tried not to let your temper rise as Hitoshi's slick hand went around your waist, holding you close to him.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now