Two Faced Baby

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Just leave it to your imagination. And yes, separate Neito ending as I said for the simps. The more drama the better. Enjoy~

It was funny to see people living in misery to Neito, and boy was he about it to have a whole entire buffet with it now.

As Nen screamed scaring some students off, as well as Neito staring weirdly as everyone passed by. Practically staring into their souls for a while if you will.

Hitoshi was next to you, and thank Jesus Christ he was doing his job he'll end let your legs work like they used to before just a bit.

That was a bright side to the peak, but it would soon reach its climax and ride down like a jet.

"Hey Y/n!" You including the rest of your friends heard a voice.

You were currently mad and embarrassed at the same time, but you quickly know how to hide your emotions.

"Huh who said your name? Oh my god guys nombré means name." Neito got excited speaking his his own learning language.

Nen rolled her eyes. "For the last time dude, we don't understand whatever tons and language you are speaking in." Nen knocked on Neito's head as if to wake a little person that was inside,

It wasn't awake before which was causing Neito to be stupid.

"Your just jealous that I'm smarter than you. I may be poor but I have a 3.7 GPA." Neito stated happily remembering his scores.

"Not gonna lie I thought you said GTA." Hitoshi jumped into the conversation, looking at his friends and for the person that called your name.

If this bitch person is playing games or if it's an old man I swear to god. Hitoshi was already annoyed and pieces of his possessive jealous self began to show and pop out little by little.

"Guys stop fighting already, seriously Nen you have a boyfriend but your all up on Neito." You smirked at Nen seeing her freeze.

She blushed a bit and stepped away from Neito. "T-that's not true. Besides h-he's not even my type." Nen looked at Neito who was smiling kindly, still knowing there was a sinister kill behind it.

"Yeah she lies the guys that bite their lip." Hitoshi chuckled and you laughed along making Nen have mixed emotions.

"Y/n! Nen is that you too?!" The voice yelled again.

"How the hell do they know my name?" Nen questioned scared to look for the person.

There was such a huge crowd of kids walking into school, it was hard to notice one with a voice almsot everyone has.

"Hitoshi babe your tall, can you see anything?" You asked squeezed your boyfriends arm.

He on the other hand had his purple eyes searching everywhere. "I can't really pinpoint it, but there's a kid running towards us. It looks like a girl?" Hitoshi was trying to see from far, the lack of sleep didn't help him in his journey.

"Nen and I know a bunch of girls." You groaned in annoyance, also feeling your legs surge with pain clinging harder to Hitoshi.

Your friend wasn't paying attention as your best friend Neito pulled her to the side.

"Target acquired." The blond male spoke with a smirk on his face.

Just as Hitoshi said, a girl was in front of you, huffing from the running.

"H-hey Y/n, ahem. Long time so see." The mystery person spoke up, standing and fixing their posture.

They had black wavy hair, ocean blue eyes, there was a piercing on their mouth connecting to a chain that was hung up into an earring.

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