Thunder Karen Thursday

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Just saying if your name is Karen, please don't stop reading and get offended bu this chapter. It's research wise. Enjoy~

Maybe the deal with Shinsou wasn't exactly a good thing. Perhaps he wasn't necessarily going to end good.

I guess we'll never know, since someone made conflict. Cut the deal and everything went back to normal.

You had nothing to do in Shinsou's life, and he would eventually stick himself out of your life.

No one was going to pull an Uno reverse card as it was practically the same thing.

Surprise surprise, the deal was lasting a week. That's way too long, Shinsou should've cut it shorter.

He knew for his and your own good that was enough time to get invested into each other's lives. As Shinsou's further life was not yet brought on.

All you knew was that he was poor and worked at 11-seven. All he knew about you was, quite a lot of things.

You were clumsy, hence the entire meeting of you both.

You got jealous quickly with other girls as he's seen a common time before.

You were very stubborn and feisty tempered, that's what he enjoyed seeing on you. Stubborn enough that trait wasn't letting you get passed confessing your feelings.

It was only going to happen if Shinsou would flirt with you. He would then get his way making it into your heart and soul closer.

On the outside you portrayed that you hated Shinsou, with an annoyed passion adding a cherry on top of the sundae.

On the inside, nobody knew what was going on. Not even your own self was taking control of your body.

Shinsou was some sort of magician wizard you knew if he could make you feel so different in a short amount of time.

A week.

Seven days.

Thinking about it that's a short amount of time, if he made it a month everyone would die from the anticipation of not knowing.

Everyone aka Neito the best friend and co worker would die of boredom. Right now he was loving it, sitting back with popcorn like he was in a movie theater watching a story unfold.

Drama, romance, and obviously the three am crackhead energy. That's what every great play and film needed to make the big awards and billboards.

Shinsou could tell you alone were slowly switching up for him, giving a few amounts of time before he could get to the good parts with you himself.

One heck of a ride.

"So did you two kiss yet?" Nen was giddily whispered over to you on the science table.

"Why are you so full of questions?" You groaned lightly looking at her straight up front through the goggles.

"You didn't answer her question though, it would be easier to answer than avoid it." Shinsou spoke from next to Nen, clinking a few testers together.

You sighed heavily and placed your hands on the wooden table.

"No you're wrong actually, avoiding things are my specialty." You put on a fake smile, it turned dead real quick.

Shinsou lazily looked at you with his purple eyes. "There's no need to be like that baby. Keep your cool, because actually Nen we kissed so many times. I even heard a soft moan come from you friend here." Shinsou swiftly announced.

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