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So I can make your hearts break with angst at any time yk? But I'm not mean, so we'll add some happiness. Enjoy~

You finally discovered what it meant and why you were living.

When you rub your eyes and the color or little stars you see just floating around? Yeah that's called phosphenes.

Its what you had been searching for your entire life.

Totally not a relationship with a lavender haired, purple eyed, sleep deprived, strong with a six pack, black eye bagged, guy.

Pshh who would ever wish for that, it's the worst thing that could happen to you.

You were just cursed since it had to happen, your heart desired for it now more than ever.

"That hurts." You bit your lips as your eyes twitched close not being able to see.

"It's not that deep, I'm just going to press in a little bit harder alright?" Neito responded seeing your facial expression.

He knew how much it hurt, pushing it down just slowly.

"Ahh did you have press it so slow? Go faster or it's going to hurt longer!" You were agitated feeling it.

Neito made a surprised face. "B-but are you sure? Slower is better to get all of it inside." He stated still feeling a bit pressured.

You opened your eyes just a bit. "I-fine just g-go at your own pace. Tell me when you're done." You covered your eyes again biting your tongue.

The blond haired male obeyed you and pressed on a bit slower again.

"And rub a bit faster, then done!" Neito smiled brightly and put his stuff away.

You sat up in his bed that Neito made you lay down on. "That was actually pretty fast, and I feel a lot better. Thank you." You smiled at him seeing your newly covered injury.

While on the way back from the whole Hitoshi fiasco you ended up being clumsy and scraped your arm on a hard wall.

So the story of your life, you obviously got a cut and it was bleeding like hell on your arm.

Neito was a better person than Hitoshi and offered to take you to his house again, just so he could treat your injury.

Truth be told he was too nice, he forced you to go to his house again just so he could take care of you.

Hitoshi was being a total buttwad.

"No problem! If I ever get passed my 11-seven stage I'll probably major to be a doctor or some sort. Oh maybe a surgeon! I basically have a license to cut people." Neito sighed thinking of the future.

You blinked and your smile became nervous. "Aha well I think you should just stick with black market purchases for now." You patted his shoulder encouraging a good momentum.

Neito shrugged. "You're probably right lovely Y/n, I'll listen to you! Now just say the magic words 'can you brawl with Hitoshi' and your wish is my command!" Neito suddenly perked up, already having idea of his torture methods.

A sad aura fell over your face, also making your posture bad with a slouch. "If only it was that easy. Nothings going to fix the relationship between us Neito. Hitoshi probably thinks I was just playing with him but." You paused getting ready to choke on your words.

Your friend felt you and sat next to you, soothing your back by a touch. "But? There's no butts Y/n, you're in love with Hitoshi." Neito echoed the things in the mindset of yours.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now