Tongue Tuesday

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I know I got this from my brain and then forgot and then a comment brought it back so hence this chapter. Enjoy~

The second day of the deal you and Shinsou made out of the ignorance of arguing and trying to get away from each other, mostly you at Shinsou, with crystal clear feelings.

You on the outside portrayed that you indeed hated Shinsou with a great dying passion and urge to commit a crime every once in a while.

If anyone were to kill you first, the first person you would chose as the killer for you would be Shinsou.

Because in real life he honest, he would be the first one to attack you. As he already did in different numerous ways, most in the public eye.

Shinsou, actually really enjoyed having you around. It was a fun game he liked to play with you, teasing every single second and getting new various expressions with emotions out of you.

It was what he was made to do, he found the dumbest will to life and sacrifice, but he did it and that's what matters.

Like what most say, it's what's on the inside that counts. Shinsou would make that the most uncomfortable sentence in just a few flirting words.

Another reason why you hated him, he was just way too flirty at times.

Deep down inside you knew the stupid pick up lines he probably found on the web shouldn't effect you like they actually do at times.

As he said more an more flirty things, became all touchy and friendly with you, cocky was a given when he saw your emotions vary, because of the things he did.

Your heart truly began to waver around frantically as he got closer to you, feeling his lips on yours for milliseconds.

It was starting to send the strings in your heart to finally struck and strum a song like a guitar.

Shinsou on the other way, his felt like that as he saw your blushing face for one second, then he would blink his purple eyes and you would become feisty the next.

It made the meter of liking you to rise up higher in the charts within his body.

You, hated him less that was for sure, you just didn't know how to express it. You weren't sure you were very much ready or prepared either on both sides.

Mutual or loving side.

You were playing the role of an actor until the end of the week, the cut off deadline of the deal that was in session now.

"I'm dead this going to hurt like a son of a bitch at four am. Maybe I should've just never done this." Surprise, it wasn't you who was doing the panicking.

This time a little spice was added and it was Shinsou who would now throw a tantrum like a kid in elementary.

It was indeed four am, not that late for Shinsou. On his bright side he already got one hour of sleep, that was a new goal achieved for him.

"Fuck I should've just, god I need to calm down. Imagine if she saw this." Shinsou pulled his face down, laughing lowly in the end thinking of you doing the teasing.

"But I made the appointment for her." Shinsou talked to himself non stop laying down in his room on the soft cushions of his bed.

Staring up at the blank ceiling of boredom, only a little light hanging that was turned off.

The moonlight came in through his windows curtains, they were very thin and grey colored, blowing the with little wind that entered from the opened slit.

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