Ass ain't property

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These books are not even serious I just want to make you all laugh. No it's fine- okay stop. Enjoy ~

This sucked. For you it really did and it wasn't even funny to the point where you would laugh it off.

It was basically your whole entire life riding on this moment because your friend Nen just had to get a chapstick and you had to fall on the cans.

I mean, it's not like it's my fault that this store 11-seven or whatever it's called is poor. You thought to yourself rolling your eyes internally and wanting to on the outside.

The people working here were literally only two people working the entire wide and long store filled with everything.

Imagine how boring their life is in and out.

It's not like yours was any better. It wasn't better at all now with the situation occurring in your life.

Getting a job was already hard enough with you, and maintaining grades for school was a big no no at times.

Honestly, you'd rather stay up late until midnight scrolling through your phone and looking for the most interesting random stuff.

Seriously who wants to work on math with numbers and letters when you can be staring as some hypnotize you for a minute or search up pictures up to simp.

"Maybe I should've just searched up how to hide a dead body to prepare for today." You whispered to yourself standing besides Shinsou in the store, 11-seven.

"And maybe I should've searched up how to kidnap someone. Oh wait never mind I've already seen shows on how to. We could just lock you up in the storage basement we have with all the tin cans so you can knock them over again." Shinsou spoke from besides you.

"Why you little- uh?" You were going to curse at him with a glare.

Key word were.

Until you saw his face.

There was barley a little smile being pulled on it his lips. It was so faint yet you could still see it with his slight pale skin.

His eyes were almost entirely closed shut, they were hale lidded while his eye bags squeezed with his eyes.

Shinsou blinked normally and his purple eyes were barley there so you could see them flowing with glow.

Almost like a cat hanging out by itself in a dark alleyway waiting for people to pass and shine his purple eyes.

"P-put me in the basement, I dare you." You glared at him trying to regain the state in which you showed you weren't paying attention to him at all.

In which you acted like you didn't care when realization his you.

Sometimes, not all the time but most of the time in the living life, thinking about other things rather than what you actually feel in your body moved around like a fog around hearts.

"Aww is the little poor girl stuttering? Well we don't have a basement so you're in luck, we do have a break room so you can get ready." He said as Neito tossed him something as if reading his mind.

"Get ready?" You asked and Shinsou gave you a creep smirk that sent a chill down your spine.

"Hell yeah get ready. If you're good at falling back and knocking down a whole entire stack of tin cans you should be good at picking them again." He said shoving a white collar shirt to you and an apron.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now