Heart Been Broke so many Times

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Haha the title, I'm such a comedian. Actually I'm not- imma stop. Hope this books interesting! Enjoy ~

You were currently begging to the heavens as to why you hadn't magically turned into ashes and had been whisked away into the air right now.

No no there was something called luck and you for sure didn't obtain that as much as you wanted to in this one life that you had at the moment.

You wish you could die and be alive again with some kind of time machine that helped you predict all of this sudden mess that happened to you.

It was always you, the universe had a grudge and it showed. A huge one for you, Y/n L/n.

You were just trying to have a peaceful day and fit in with the rest of the world like you are with your friend Nen.

That was immediately a bust as she needed a new chapstick and she always had something up her sleeve to make your life more miserable than you already thought it was.

Come on you had flies in your wallet instead of big bucks of green paper money, and it all dropped downhill like a roller coaster onto this.

Instead of lounging about outside, you were inside a little store and standing on a clean floor surrounded by cans of food.

Probably surrounded by security cameras too.

"Yeah you're surrounded by cameras so try and run and we'll find you." The male with lavender colored hair spoke from besides you.

Towering over you also, mega time like a whole ass building.

Not just that, you wondered how he knew what you were thinking so perfectly at the first try. It made your stomach churn with unease, but then again you were the dumb and funny person that didn't take anything seriously.

"Why are you built like that?" You suddenly blurred out with knitted eyebrows.

Apparently you had said it a little too loud because a blond boy wiping down what appeared to be the chaser counters laughed so loud his whole mouth was fully opened.

"Oh my fucking god I can't! Wait wait let me just, I c-can't haha!" He had laughing tears falling as his laughter sounded closed up from laughing so hard.

"N-no p-please say it a-again haha!" The unknown blond male seemed mental pointing at the tall one in front of your face.

He sounded the same as the windex bottle he was spraying earlier on the counter to clean with that maniac laughter.

"Shut up asshole." The male simply said and bent down on the floor.

There was a tin can right next to your foot and he was reaching just specifically for that one minus the ones that were all scattered.

"And your foot goes to move dumb poor girl." He tapped the side of your foot and forced it to move to pick the tin can of closed food up.

It was a bit tinted when he got up again.

"There's no need to call me out on it." You said moving away and whispered with a narrowed gaze.

A slight smirk went into his face.

He tossed the tin can up in the air before holding it right back down safely into his palm.

"Perfect, a small dent but it's about to become a number one huge one. Maybe baseball will pay off for this." He spoke to himself and licked his lips.

He threw the tin can right on top of the blond boys head and it made a cracking noise.

"What the hell Hitoshi?!" He yelled seeing everything spill.

𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐗 ᝰ 𝐡.𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now