Chapter 14

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I open my eyes as the suns rays shine in through the windows. I sit up and rub my eyes.

I hear quick footsteps pattering down the staircase.

"Oh good you're awake." Kai chirps and throws himself onto the couch making me jump a little. "I thought you passed out. You know you just fell asleep and I was like oh no what if she dies but then I was like nah she's just exhausted."

I smile at him.

"Are you hungry? It's already three in the afternoon. You must be hungry."

"I need to take a shower but after that, I'll eat." i inform him. I stand up but my leg is sore from the incident of yesterday. I hiss under my breath.

"You okay?" Kai examines me.

"Yeah just a bit sore" I assure him. I make my way to the bathroom and throw my clothes off. I get in the shower and I literally can't see clear. My mind is filled with Joshua and where he could be lurking. When he would plan his next attack.

I realise I'm scared. Like really scared. I quickly finish my shower and dress up. I hurry downstairs and stumble to the table.

Kai looks at me with raised eyebrows. I just smile like nothing is wrong.

Kai laughs a bit "Wow you are paranoid."

"Am not." i protest "Just hungry."

"Then you're welcome." He places a plate in front of me. The smell is delicious. Grilled cheese sandwich. I instantly lick my lip at the sight. I was really hungry after all that happened.

I eat the sandwich within record speed.

"You sure were hungry." Kai smirks.

"Yeah really hungry." i smile. "It was delicious by the way. Thank you."

"Well after 18 years i've learned to make the most delicious meals in the world."

"Actually you were the only one in the world" i remind him with a wide grin.

"Oh shut up. I bet I could beat any top chef in the real world." he brags. "Which reminds me. Why were you in the study? You know before Joshua attacked you?" he asks.

"I remembered that we probably need an object or blood in order to get out."

"Smart." Kai grins. "Come on. We can start researching."

He grabs my wrist and pulls me after him into the study. We now know where to start.

We spend lots of time in the study and before we realise it's night time.

We agree to keep on searching tomorrow.

I go into my room but I can't sleep. I am afraid. I don't want to be alone, not after what happened with Joshua.

I take a deep breath and stand up. I walk through the corridor and stop in front of Kai's room.

I knock and open the door. Kai is sleeping on his stomach with his hands near his head. I can't deny that he looks really cute like that.

I clear my throat and quietly say "Kai?"

He doesn't respond right away but after a short time he opens his eyes and looks at me with curiosity as he sits up on the bed.

"Why did you wake me up?" his sleepy voice is hot as always. "It better be a good reason otherwise i'm going back to sleep."

"Can I..." this was probably a bad idea, oh well "Can I sleep with you?" i look at him, searching his reaction.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now