Chapter 27

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After finally convincing Kai to let me go I hit the road and go straight to the Salvatores' mansion.

On my way I texted my mom about my whereabouts. Honestly I haven't been home in a while so I kind of need to do that too.

I park the car I stole from Kai in front of the house and go to the front door.

I take a really long and deep breath before knocking, knowing exactly what is going to happen inside.

I don't have a plan. I don't even know what I will say. I'll probably just stand there for a few minutes then yell at them and leave.

At least that's what always happens. But this time will be different. It has to be different.

I owe an apology to everyone and I need to sort this battle that i've been fighting with them.

I can't blame myself for choosing Kai. I just did. It felt right. I listened to my heart for once in my life.

I finally convince myself to knock.

I shakily reach my hand out and knock twice.

Bonnie opens the door but as soon as she sees me a wave of disappointment sweeps through her face and she walks back into the house leaving me at the open door, staring inside at the questioning faces.

I step inside and wave an awkward hello.

They just stare at me and it feels like they are burning holes into my skin with their eyes.

I guess I should say something because this is the most awkward situation that i've ever been in.

"So uhh..." i laugh nervously "I know you all hate me now"

"Uh yeah, we do" Elena says. Okay she's right but I just can't tolerate her.

I take a deep breath convincing myself not to tear her apart. "I came here to explain it. Well, I actually don't need to explain myself, it was my choice and I chose this way...but, i feel like i owe you guys this. Also I want you to know the truth. About everything."

They look at each other, discussing whether they should give me a chance or not, simply with eyes.

Damon nods. "Go on, we're listening."

"Thanks" I sigh. I need to gather my thoughts and not just yell...I got this. I will tell them everything. From the start. My feelings throughout the prison world, when we parted ways, when we met again, and until now. They need to know in order to understand.

"I'm going to tell you everything so if you don't want to listen please just go out and wait for me to finish because I need to tell you everything. I'm tired of keeping my feelings and emotions locked away from you guys. It may not seem like that now but you all mean so much to me and I couldn't bear it if I lost you."

Gladly seeing that no one decided to leave and that I have all eyes on me I figure that I should start.

"It all started in the prison world as you can tell. When I got there he tried to kill me. I was scared at first but we discussed it. I instantly felt some type of connection and I knew that there was more that I need to know. He told me his story and you know what? I didn't decide that I have to hate him like you all did. I decided that I would try to understand him and see things from where he was standing. He appreciated it and probably for the first time in his entire life he knew that I wasn't like the others. Like everyone, because i understood him. Then you know, the heretics came. They trapped in that cold dark cell, he gave me his sweater at night. That was his first kind act towards me that affected me. It was the one that made me question: is he really the bad guy that everyone sees him as? Or is he just misunderstood?"

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now