Chapter 11

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I feel a weight pushing me down slightly. I open my eyes and I see that the weight is Kai. His head is on my back and he is sleeping peacefully.

I slowly start to sit up causing Kai to open his eyes.

"Whaat?" his voice is deep and full of sleep. "I want to sleep."

"I don't" i say sitting up making him sit up too.

"You're annoying." he notes.

"So are you." i say with a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. I get out of the car and I inhale the fresh morning air. I stretch out my limbs that are quite sore from the long car ride.

I hear the door of the car shutting and soon Kai is besides me.

"You didn't have any nightmares." he points out.

"Yeah it was good to finally sleep in peace." i sigh.

"It was because i slept with you." he winks.

I roll my eyes playfully. "No. It was because yesterday i brought two heretics here so that means if it's one heretic per night then after tomorrow i will have another nightmare."

"Smart." he smirks. "But also, you slept good because of me."

"This has nothing to do with you."

"You know it does. I bet you liked waking under me." he comes closer and his devilish smirk spreads out on his face.

I lean in. " You wish." i push him away with my palms against his firm chest. I can hear him let out a small chuckle while I sit in the car.

He sits back into the drivers seat. He steps on the gas and soon we are driving in the Florida sunshine. There is a small breeze and even tho it is May it is hot.

"By the way. What is the world like?" Kai asks.

"Well there are lot's of movies and smart phones, social media."

"And what is Tinder?" he asks. "I heard Damon and Bonnie speaking about it."

"It's an app where you can find a date or a one night stand." i explain.

"Ooh i might sign up on that." he grins.

I smile at his cheering.

"So Laura. Do you have a boyfriend?" he asks suddenly.

"None of your business but no, I don't." i

He just just nods and stays quiet.

"Are you a virgin?" he asks after a while.

"Kai! It's none of your business." i burst out in disbelief.

"So you are." he notes.

"No, I'm not but I'm not obligated to tell you my personal life."

"Fair." he smirks.

"How about you? You don't like talking about your life either. What if I asked you if you were a virgin? i ask.

His jaw clenches. "It's because I don't have much to tell. But if you really want to know, I'll tell you."

"Go ahead." i say waiting for him to spill his secrets he kept about his life earlier.

"My father said i was a disgrace for his family. I was born without my own magic. He didn't like the idea of this. He abused me and tortured me until i could light a candle which of course I couldn't. So then he kept doing this. He didn't want to accept that I was a siphoner. After a few years he locked me away from my family and the world. I could cause pain by siphoning which meant that a touch , and if someone had magic then whoops I siphoned it. Not on purpose of course but I couldn't control it back then. Once I even siphoned my father by accident. He gave me a big slap on my face and said: "Malachai you will be punished for this." he said this everyy time."

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now