Chapter 5

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After we finished eating the muffins i lay on the  couch.

I turn on the TV to find a show or a movie.

Shortly after, Kai throws himself on the other side of the couch.
-What are we watching?-he asks.
-Friends-i reply-i don't like it but it's all we've got right?
-I guess so.

We barely watch 20 minutes when Kai starts talking again.
-Can we talk about getting out of here?
-No-i want to avoid this conversation.
-Why not?-he asks
-Because it's pointless. I can't get you out.
-See, the thing is you have to get me out.
-Wont be happening because i don't have magic-i poke it out.
Kai looks at me with a dark look in his eye.
-What do you mean you don't have magic. You crashed me into a tree.
-Exactly and that's the only spell i can use. And i still don't know why.
-What happened.-he asks a bit calmer.
-The day before our accident-
-What accident?-he interrupts me
-The car accident... didn't i tell you?
-Well it seems like you didn't
-oh god-i sigh-so i got here after our car blew up. i thought i died but instead i ended up here.
Kai just listens.
-As i said the night before the accident i was walking home when a man grabbed me and started siphoning my magic. I fainted and all i remember that after i was in my friend's house and i was deprived of my magic.-i explain.
-A man?-Kai asks.
-Yeah he was grey headed and looked about 55-60 years old.

Kai suddenly jumps up. He grabs into his dark hair and his shoulders start moving up and down intensely.
-Kai-i say patiently
-That bastard-he yells and throws a glass down on the floor. The glass breaks into million pieces. I gasp and jump back.

Kai continues swiping things off the table.

-Kai stop it-i yell

He looks at me with his eyes sparking from anger.
-That was my fucking dad.-he groans-he took your magic because he knew you would end up here if you died so you can't help me because you won't be able to do the spell which means i'll be stuck in here forever.
-Kai...-i try to calm him down-I will gain my magic back but it may take time.
-Ohh thank god-he sighs-but still thats time and that son of a bitch will find other ways to ruin my plans.
-Well it's better than nothing right?
-Right- he finally smiles and sits back on the couch

It's getting late. I should clean up the mess Kai made.

Kai goes upstairs to get a shower.

I start sweeping the floor. I throw out the broken stuff and put the intact ones back to their place.

I go upstairs for the purpose to get a shower. I thought Kai was finished so that he'll be in his room but to my surprise he isn't which leads to me bumping into him in the corridor.

He's in nothing but a towel and his hair is wet. I can see that he is surprised too but he gets used to the situation quicker. I can feel his hot breath on my skin. I can't help it but look at his perfect abs. He sees that and smirks. Our bodies are a few inches from each other. The thought of his bare skin touching mine wakes up butterflies and i can't resist it.

I quickly look away, clear my throat...
-Ohm, sorry
i pass by him quickening my steps towards the bathroom. I can feel his eyes on me.

I quickly lock the bathroom door behind me.
I take a hot shower and take my time. I feel really embarrassed so i want to stay away from Kai for as long as possible.

I finish showering but then i realise i haven't brought my pj's with me. I sigh and wrap my towel around myself. I quickly go to my room and i put my pj's on. It's an oversised t-shirts with black pants.

I am a bit hungry so i go downstairs for a snack.

Kai isn't there so i suppose he is already sleeping. I make myself a sandwich and eat it. After i ate it I think i should go to bed too because i'm really tired.

I amble up to my room. I close the door but just as i throw myself on the bed, I hear a knock on my door.

Shortly after the knock the door opens and Kai's face peeks in.
-Can i come in?-he asks
-Yeah sure.-i reply.

I sit up.
He comes in and stands next to my bed.

I look at him waiting for an explanation.

He clears his throat.
-Sorry for my rage. I didn't want to scare you i just became very angry and sometimes anger gets the best of me.-he says casting his eyes down.
-Well i could see that.-i look at him-don't worry. I'm not afraid of you.

And by this i meant not afraid of him in specific. I know he understands so he asks me:

-Why? I mean I killed my family and i nearly killed you.
-Look Kai-i sigh-I'm friends with vampires who literally go on killing sprees and kill innocent people plus one of them even rips heads of. I understood them and i made peace with them. You had... well strange reasons but still i can't be mad at you.

Kai looks into my eyes and i can see hope flash in his stormy blue eyes
-Really?-he asks

-Yes but this doesn't mean we are friends-i warn him-simply we can't hate each other if we are going to be stuck here for a while.

-Understood and you're right. Although i never hated you. I guess it's just my nature to hurt people involuntarily.
-No harm done so it's okay-i assure him.

-Good night Laura-he says.
-Night Kai.

He walks out of my room closing the door after himself. I lay down on my bed and i slowly drift into sleep.

Stuck with a Sociopath~Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now